The Mgr Approval field, if enabled, will require a manager to go to the agent screen and enter their login credentials to allow the agent to enter that pause code. Time Report if they are in that pause code for more than the defined amount of seconds. The Mgr Approval field, if enabled, will require a manager to go to the agent screen and enter their login credentials to allow the agent to enter that pause code.
auto_alt_dial_statuses AUTO ALT DIAL STATUSES If the Auto Alt-Number Dialing field is set, then the leads that are dispositioned under these auto alt dial statuses will have their alt_phone and-or address3 fields dialed after any of these no-answer statuses are set.
campaigns-survey_fourth_audio_file Survey Fourth Audio File This is the fourth audio file to be played upon the selection by the customer of the Fourth Digit option. See the -Survey First Audio File- help for some more advanced options of what you can put into this field.
campaigns-survey_fourth_status Survey Fourth Status This is the fourth status used for the call upon the selection by the customer of the Fourth Digit option.
campaigns-survey_fourth_exten Survey Fourth Extension This is the fourth extension used for the call upon the selection by the customer of the Fourth Digit option. Default is 8300 which immediately hangs up the call after the Audio File message is played.
campaigns-script_top_dispo Script on top of Dispo If you are using an IFRAME in your SCRIPT tab contents, and the page you are using is sending statuses through the Agent API, you may want to use this feature to cover the Dispostion screen with the script tab after a call is hung up. Default is N for disabled.
xfer_presets If the Campaign setting for presets is set to ENABLED then you have the ability to define Transfer-Conference presets that will be available to the agent allowing them to 3-way call these presets or blind transfer calls to these preset numbers. These presets also have an option to hide the number associated with each preset from the agent. Conference presets that will be available to the agent allowing them to 3-way call these presets or blind transfer calls to these preset numbers. These presets also have an option to hide the number associated with each preset from the agent.
campaign_cid_areacodes CAMPAIGN CID AREACODES If the System Setting for Areacode CIDs is enabled and the Campaign setting for Use Custom CallerID is set to AREACODE then you have the ability to define Areacode CIDs that will be used when outbound calling to leads in this specific campaign. You can add multiple callerIDs per areacode and you can activate and deactivate them each in real time. If more than one callerID is active for a specific areacode then the system will use the callerid that has been used the least number of times today. If no callerIDs are active for the areacode then the campaign CallerID or list override CallerID will be used. An areacode in this section can be from 2 to 5 digits in length, and if a shorter defined areacode overlaps with a longer areacode then the longer areacode will be used. For example, if the areacodes 31 and 312 are both defined and active for a campaign, then areacode 312 would be used for phone number 3125551212.
cid_groups CID Groups CID Groups are very similar to Campaign AC-CID, except with CID Groups you can use the same set of CIDs across multiple campaigns, and you can also define CID Groups on a per-state basis as well as per-areacode, instead of just by areacode like with Campaign AC-CID. There is also the option to have no geographic separations and to just use a group of CIDs to call all numbers. If the STATE type is used, then the STATE value should match the state field for a lead, and if no match is found, the dialer will use the campaign CID as a default. If the NONE type is used, then the active CIDs will be rotated with every call made.
cid_groups-cid_auto_rotate_minutes CID Auto Rotate Minutes This feature only works with CID Groups, and only when the CID Group Type of NONE is used. This feature allows the system to automatically rotate the Caller IDs in the CID Group from inactive to active, leaving only one CID active at a time, every X minutes as long as active dialing is happening. This feature will rotate though all CIDs in the CID Group whether it is active or not unless the CID has a description of NOROTATE. For reference, one hour is 60 minutes, 6 hours is 360 minutes, 12 hours is 720 minutes and 24 hours is 1440 minutes. Default is 0 for disabled.
cid_groups-cid_auto_rotate_minimum CID Auto Rotate Minimum Works together with the CID Auto Rotate Minutes setting above, if it is enabled, and will not rotate to the next CID until at least this number of calls have been placed while active for the current CID that is dialing. Default is 0 for no limit.
cid_groups-cid_auto_rotate_calls CID Auto Rotate Calls, CID and Time Shows the number of calls placed using the current CID, the CID currently being used and the Date-Time the CID was activated.
vm_message_groups VM Message Groups Voicemail Message Groups are designed to allow agents to select from several messages to leave on a customer voicemail box when transferring to a voicemail message in the agent screen. The ID must be from 2 to 40 characters in length with no punctuation other than an underscore allowed. The Name must be from 5 to 255 characters in length. Active will determine if the VM Message Group is shown as an option in the campaign modify screen setting for VM Message Groups. For the Audio Files, you can define the order in which they appear on the agent screen by using the Rank setting. The Time Range will define what time of the customers day the message are displayed on the agent screen, in 2400 hours time format. The Display is what text will show up for this audio file on the agent screen.
inbound_groups-park_ext Park Music-on-Hold This optional setting will override the agent campaign setting for Park Music-on-Hold, if populated. Default is empty for disabled.
inbound_groups-populate_lead_source Populate Lead Source If this option is not DISABLED and there is no source_id channel variable set on the call, then the system will fill the source_id lead field with one of the other options when leads are added with an inbound call. INBOUND_NUMBER will use the inbound phone number dialed. BLANK will leave the source_id field blank. DISABLED will use the default behavior which will set the source_id field to VDCL. Default is DISABLED.
user_groups-user_group User Group This is the short name of a User group, try not to use any spaces or punctuation for this field. max 20 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
user_groups-group_name Group Name This is the description of the user group max of 40 characters.
user_groups-forced_timeclock_login Force Timeclock Login This option allows you to not let an agent log in to the agent interface if they have not logged into the timeclock. Default is N. There is an option to exempt admin users, levels 8 and 9.
user_groups-shift_enforcement Shift Enforcement This setting allows you to restrict agent logins based upon the shifts that are selected below. OFF will not enforce shifts at all. START will only enforce the login time but will not affect an agent that is running over their shift time if they are already logged in. ALL will enforce shift start time and will log an agent out after they run over the end of their shift time. Default is OFF.
user_groups-group_shifts Group Shifts This is a selectable list of shifts that can restrict the agents login time on the system.
user_groups-allowed_campaigns Allowed Campaigns This is a selectable list of Campaigns to which members of this user group can log in to. The ALL-CAMPAIGNS option allows the users in this group to see and log in to any campaign on the system.
user_groups-agent_status_viewable_groups Agent Status Viewable Groups This is a selectable list of User Groups and user functions to which members of this user group can view the status of as well as transfer calls to inside of the agent screen. The ALL-GROUPS option allows the users in this group to see and transfer calls to any user on the system. The CAMPAIGN-AGENTS option allows users in this group to see and transfer calls to any user in the campaign that they are logged into. The NOT-LOGGED-IN-AGENTS option allows all users in the system to be displayed, even if they are not logged-in currently.
user_groups-agent_status_view_time Agent Status View Time This option defines whether the agent will see the amount of time that users in their agent sidebar have been in their current status. Default is N for no or disabled.
user_groups-agent_call_log_view Agent Call Log View This option defines whether the agent will be able to see their call log for calls handled through the agent screen. Default is N for no or disabled.
user_groups-agent_xfer_options Agent Transfer Options These options allow for the disabling of specific buttons in the Transfer Conference section of the Agent interface. Default is Y for yes or enabled.
user_groups-agent_fullscreen Agent Fullscreen This option if set to Y will set the height and width of the agent screen to the size of the web browser window without any allowance for the Agents View, Calls in Queue View or Calls in Session view. Default is N for no or disabled.
user_groups-agent_allowed_chat_groups Agent Allowed Chat Groups This is a selectable list of User Groups and user functions to which members of this user group can view the status of as well as transfer calls to inside of the agent screen. The ALL-GROUPS option allows the users in this group to see and transfer calls to any user on initiate an internal chat to within the agent screen. The CAMPAIGN-AGENTS option allows users in this group to see and start chats with any user in the campaign that they are logged into.
user_groups-allowed_reports Allowed Reports If a user in this group is set to user level 7 or higher, then this feature can be used to restrict the reports that the users can view. Default is ALL. If you want to select more than one report then press the Ctrl key on your keyboard as you select the reports.
user_groups-allowed_custom_reports Allowed Custom Reports If a user in this group is set to user level 7 or higher, then this feature can be used to restrict the custom reports that the users can view. Access is determined as reports are added from the custom reports admin page, for example, ALL is not the default. If you want to select more than one report then press the Ctrl key on your keyboard as you select the reports.
user_groups-admin_ip_list Admin IP Whitelist If enabled, this will restrict administration web screen use to only be allowed from the selected list of IP Addresses. Default is DISABLED.
user_groups-agent_ip_list Agent IP Whitelist If enabled, this will restrict agent web screen use to only be allowed from the selected list of IP Addresses. Default is DISABLED.
user_groups-api_ip_list API IP Whitelist If enabled, this will restrict API use to only be allowed from the selected list of IP Addresses. Please note that some API functions need to be done from the servers themselves, so if you enable this, you may need to add internal server IP Addresses for those functions to continue to work. Default is DISABLED.
user_groups-admin_viewable_groups Allowed User Groups This is a selectable list of User Groups to which members of this user group can view and possibly edit. User Groups can restrict access to almost all aspects of the system, from inbound DIDs to phones to voicemail boxes. The --ALL-- option allows the users in this group to see and log in to any record on the system if their user permissions allow for it.
user_groups-admin_viewable_call_times Allowed Call Times This is a selectable list of Call Times to which members of this user group can use in campaigns, in-groups and call menus. The --ALL-- option allows the users in this group to use all call times in the system.
user_groups-webphone_url_override Webphone URL Override This setting allows you to set an alternate webphone URL just for the members of one user group. Default is empty.
user_groups-webphone_systemkey_override Webphone System Key Override This setting allows you to set an alternate webphone System Key just for the members of one user group. Default is empty.
user_groups-webphone_dialpad_override Webphone Dialpad Override This setting allows you to activate or deactivate the dialpad on the webphone just for the members of one user group. Default is DISABLED. TOGGLE will allow the user to view and hide the dialpad by clicking a link. TOGGLE_OFF will default to not show the dialpad on first load, but will allow the user to show the dialpad by clicking on the dialpad link.
user_groups-webphone_layout Webphone Layout Override For the WebRTC phone, this setting will allow you to use an alternate layout for all users within this user group, overriding whatever is set in the phone webphone layout field. Default is blank.
user_groups-qc_allowed_campaigns QC Allowed Campaigns This is a selectable list of Campaigns which members of this user group will be able to QC. The ALL-CAMPAIGNS option allows the users in this group to QC any campaign on the system.
user_groups-qc_allowed_inbound_groups QC Allowed Inbound Groups This is a selectable list of Inbound Groups which members of this user group will be able to QC. The ALL-GROUPS option allows the users in this user group to QC any inbound group on the system.
scripts-script_id Script ID This is the short name of a Script. This needs to be a unique identifier. Try not to use any spaces or punctuation for this field. max 20 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
scripts-script_name Script Name This is the title of a Script. This is a short summary of the script. max 50 characters, minimum of 2 characters. There should be no spaces or punctuation of any kind in this field.
scripts-script_comments Script Comments This is where you can place comments for an agent screen Script such as -changed to free upgrade on Sept 23-. max 255 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
scripts-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
scripts-script_text Script Text This is where you place the content of an agent screen Script. Minimum of 2 characters. You can have customer information be auto-populated in this script using --A--field--B-- where field is one of the following fieldnames: vendor_lead_code, source_id, list_id, gmt_offset_now, called_since_last_reset, phone_code, phone_number, title, first_name, middle_initial, last_name, address1, address2, address3, city, state, province, postal_code, country_code, gender, date_of_birth, alt_phone, email, security_phrase, comments, lead_id, campaign, phone_login, group, channel_group, SQLdate, epoch, uniqueid, customer_zap_channel, server_ip, SIPexten, session_id, dialed_number, dialed_label, rank, owner, camp_script, in_script, script_width, script_height, recording_filename, recording_id, user_custom_one, user_custom_two, user_custom_three, user_custom_four, user_custom_five, preset_number_a, preset_number_b, preset_number_c, preset_number_d, preset_number_e, preset_number_f, preset_dtmf_a, preset_dtmf_b, did_id, did_extension, did_pattern, did_description, closecallid, xfercallid, agent_log_id, entry_list_id, call_id, user_group, called_count, TABLEper_call_notes, MANUALDIALLINK, EMAILinbound_message. For example, this sentence would print the persons name in it----
Hello, can I speak with --A--first_name--B-- --A--last_name--B-- please? Well hello --A--title--B-- --A--last_name--B-- how are you today?
This would read----
Hello, can I speak with John Doe please? Well hello Mr. Doe how are you today?
You can also use an iframe to load a separate window within the SCRIPT tab, here is an example with prepopulated variables:<iframe src='' style='width:580;height:290;background-color:transparent;' scrolling='auto' frameborder='0' allowtransparency='true' id='popupFrame' name='popupFrame' width='460' height='290' STYLE='z-index:17'></iframe>
You can also use a special variable IGNORENOSCROLL to force scroll bars on the script tab even if you are using an iframe within it.
scripts-active Active This determines whether this script can be selected to be used by a campaign.
scripts-script_color Script Color This determines the background color of the script as displayed in the agent screen. default is white.
lead_filters-lead_filter_id Filter ID This is the short name of a Lead Filter. This needs to be a unique identifier. Do not use any spaces or punctuation for this field. max 20 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
lead_filters-lead_filter_name Filter Name This is a more descriptive name of the Filter. This is a short summary of the filter. max 30 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
lead_filters-lead_filter_comments Filter Comments This is where you can place comments for a Filter such as -calls all California leads-. max 255 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
lead_filters-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
lead_filters-lead_filter_sql Filter SQL This is where you place the SQL query fragment that you want to filter by. do not begin or end with an AND, that will be added by the hopper cron script automatically. an example SQL query that would work here is- called_count > 4 and called_count < 8
call_times-call_time_id Call Time ID This is the short name of a Call Time Definition. This needs to be a unique identifier. Do not use any spaces or punctuation for this field. max 10 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
call_times-call_time_name Call Time Name This is a more descriptive name of the Call Time Definition. This is a short summary of the Call Time definition. max 30 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
call_times-call_time_comments Call Time Comments This is where you can place comments for a Call Time Definition such as -10am to 4pm with extra call state restrictions-. max 255 characters.
call_times-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
call_times-ct_default_start Default Start and Stop Times This is the default time that calling will be allowed to be started or stopped within this call time definition if the day-of-the-week start time is not defined. 0 is midnight. To prevent calling completely set this field to 2400 and set the Default Stop time to 2400. To allow calling 24 hours a day set the start time to 0 and the stop time to 2400. For inbound only, you can also set the stop call time higher than 2400 if you want the call time to go beyond midnight. So if you want your call time to run from 6 am until 2 am the next day, you would put 0600 as the start time and 2600 as the stop time.
call_times-ct_sunday_start Weekday Start and Stop Times These are the custom times per day that can be set for the call time definition. same rules apply as with the Default start and stop times.
call_times-default_afterhours_filename_override After Hours Filename Override These fields allow you to override the After Hours message for inbound groups if it is set to something. Default is empty.
call_times-ct_state_call_times State Call Time Definitions This is the list of State specific call time definitions that are followed in this Call Time Definition.
call_times-state_call_time_state State Call Time State This is the two letter code for the state that this calling time definition is for. For this to be in effect the local call time that is set in the campaign must have this state call time record in it as well as all of the leads having two letter state codes in them.
call_times-holiday_id Holiday ID This is the short name of a Holiday Definition. This needs to be a unique identifier. Do not use any spaces or punctuation for this field. max 30 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
call_times-holiday_name Holiday Name This is a more descriptive name of the Holiday Definition. This is a short summary of the Holiday definition. max 100 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
call_times-holiday_comments Holiday Comments This is where you can place comments for a Holiday Definition such as -10am to 4pm boxing day restrictions-. max 255 characters.
call_times-holiday_date Holiday Date This is the date of the holiday.
call_times-holiday_status Holiday Status This is the status of the holiday entry. ACTIVE status means that the holiday will be enabled on the holiday date. INACTIVE status means that the holiday will be ignored even on the holiday date. EXPIRED means that the holiday has passed its holiday date. Default is INACTIVE.
phones-agent_park_on_extension Agent Park Exten This is the default Parking extension for the client apps. Verify that a different one works before you change this.
shifts-shift_id Shift ID This is the short name of a system Shift Definition. This needs to be a unique identifier. Do not use any spaces or punctuation for this field. max 20 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
shifts-shift_name Shift Name This is a more descriptive name of the Shift Definition. This is a short summary of the Shift definition. max 50 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
shifts-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
shifts-shift_start_time Shift Start Time This is the time that the campaign shift begins. Must only be numbers, 9:30 AM would be 0930 and 5:00 PM would be 1700.
shifts-shift_length Shift Length This is the time in Hours and Minutes that the campaign shift lasts. 8 hours would be 08:00 and 7 hours and 30 minutes would be 07:30.
shifts-shift_weekdays Shift Weekdays In this section you should choose the days of the week that this shift is active.
shifts-report_option Report Option This option allows this specific shift to show up in selected reports that support this option.
shifts-report_rank Report Rank This option allows you to rank shifts in selected reports that support this option.
audio_store Audio Store This utility allows you to upload audio files to the web server so that they can be distributed to all of the system servers in a multi-server cluster. An important note, only two audio file types will work, .wav files that are PCM Mono 16bit 8k and .gsm files that are 8bit 8k. Please verify that your files are properly formatted before uploading them here.
music_on_hold-moh_id Music On Hold ID This is the short name of a Music On Hold entry. This needs to be a unique identifier. Do not use any spaces or punctuation for this field. max 100 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
music_on_hold-moh_name Music On Hold Name This is a more descriptive name of the Music On Hold entry. This is a short summary of the Music On Hold context and will show as a comment in the musiconhold conf file. max 255 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
music_on_hold-active Active This option allows you to set the Music On Hold entry to active or inactive. Inactive will remove the entry from the conf files.
music_on_hold-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
music_on_hold-random Random Order This option allows you to define the playback of the audio files in a random order. If set to N then the defined order will be used.
music_on_hold-filename Filename To add a new audio file to a Music On Hold entry the file must first be in the audio store, then you can select the file and click submit to add it to the file list. Music on hold is updated once per minute if there have been changes made. Any files not listed in a music on hold entry that are present in the music on hold folder will be deleted.
tts_prompts-tts_id TTS ID This is the short name of a TTS entry. This needs to be a unique identifier. Do not use any spaces or punctuation for this field. max 50 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
tts_prompts-tts_name TTS Name This is a more descriptive name of the TTS entry. This is a short summary of the TTS definition. max 100 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
tts_prompts-active Active This option allows you to set the TTS entry to active or inactive.
tts_prompts-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
tts_prompts-tts_voice TTS Voice This is where you define the voice to be used in the TTS generation. Default is Allison-8kHz.
tts_prompts-tts_text TTS Text This is the actual Text To Speech data field that is sent to Cepstral for creation of the audio file to be played to the customer. you can use Speech Synthesis Markup Language -SSML- in this field, for example, <break time='1000ms'/> for a 1 second break. You can also use several variables such as first name, last name and title as system variables just like you do in a Script: --A--first_name--B--. If you have static audio files that you want to use based upon the value of one of the fields you can use those as well with C and D tags. The file names must be all lower case and they must be 8k 16bit pcm wav files. The field name must be the same but without the .wav in the filename. For example --C----A--address3--B----D-- would first find the value for address3, then it would try to find an audio file matching that value to put it into the prompt. Here is a list of the available variables: lead_id, entry_date, modify_date, status, user, vendor_lead_code, source_id, list_id, phone_number, title, first_name, middle_initial, last_name, address1, address2, address3, city, state, province, postal_code, country_code, gender, date_of_birth, alt_phone, email, security_phrase, comments, called_count, last_local_call_time, rank, owner
voicemail-voicemail_id Voicemail ID This is the all numbers identifier of this mailbox. This must not be a duplicate of an existing voicemail ID or the voicemail ID of a phone on the system, minimum of 2 characters.
voicemail-fullname Name This is name associated with this voicemail box. max 100 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
voicemail-pass Password This is the password that is used to gain access to the voicemail box when dialing in to check messages max 10 characters, minimum of 2 characters.
voicemail-active Active This option allows you to set the voicemail box to active or inactive. If the box is inactive you cannot leave messages on it and you cannot check messages in it.
voicemail-email Email This optional setting allows you to have the voicemail messages sent to an email account, if your system is set up to send out email. If this field is empty then no emails will be sent out.
voicemail-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
voicemail-delete_vm_after_email Delete Voicemail After Email This optional setting allows you to have the voicemail messages deleted from the system after they have been emailed out. Default is N.
voicemail-show_vm_on_summary Show VM on Summary Screen This option will display this Voicemail Box information on the summary page seen when logging into the administration page. It will show the box name, new message count, old count, and total messages in the box. Note the table will not be shown unless you have set at least one mailbox to Y. Default is N for off.
voicemail-voicemail_greeting Voicemail Greeting This optional setting allows you to define a voicemail greeting audio file from the audio store. Default is blank.
voicemail-voicemail_timezone Voicemail Zone This setting allows you to set the zone that this voicemail box will be set to when the time is logged for a message. Default is set in the System Settings.
voicemail-voicemail_options Voicemail Options This optional setting allows you to define additional voicemail settings. It is recommended that you leave this blank unless you know what you are doing.
users-alter_admin_interface_options Alter Admin Interface Options Changing this setting to 1 will allow this user to alter admin interface options.
list_loader Admin lead loader The basic web-based lead loader is designed simply to take a lead file - up to 8MB in size - that is either tab or pipe delimited and load it into the list table. The lead loader allows for field choosing and TXT- Plain Text, CSV- Comma Separated Values and XLS- Excel file formats. The lead loader does not do data validation, but it does allow you to check for duplicates in itself, within the campaign or within the entire system. Also, make sure that you have created the list that these leads are to be under so that you can use them. Here is a list of the fields in their proper order for the lead files: - Vendor Lead Code - shows up in the Vendor ID field of the GUI
- Source Code - internal use only for admins and DBAs
- List ID - the list number that these leads will show up under
- Phone Code - the prefix for the phone number - 1 for US, 44 for UK, 61 for AUS, etc
- Phone Number - must be at least 8 digits long
- Title - title of the customer - Mr. Ms. Mrs, etc...
- First Name
- Middle Initial
- Last Name
- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- Address Line 3
- City
- State - limited to 2 characters
- Province
- Postal Code
- Country
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- Alternate Phone Number
- Email Address
- Security Phrase
- Comments
- Rank
- Owner
NOTES: The Excel Lead loader functionality is enabled by a series of perl scripts and needs to have a properly configured /etc/astguiclient.conf file in place on the web server. Also, a couple perl modules must be loaded for it to work as well - OLE-Storage_Lite and Spreadsheet-ParseExcel. You can check for runtime errors in these by looking at your apache error_log file. Also, for duplication checks against campaign lists, the list that has new leads going into it does need to be created in the system before you start to load the leads.
admin_phones_bulk_insert-servers Servers This is a list of the server IP addresses of existing servers in the system that you want the phone entries to be populated across. These must be valid IP addresses, they must be active in the system and you must put one per line in this text area input box.
admin_phones_bulk_insert-phones Phones This is a list of the phone extensions that you want to be created on all of the servers listed above. The phone extensions should be letters and numbers only, with no special characters and you must put one per line in this text area box.
list_loader-duplicate_check Duplicate Checking The duplicate options allow you to check for duplicate entries as you load the leads into the system. You can select to check for duplicates within only the same list, only the same campaign lists or within the entire system. If you have chosen a duplicate check method, you can also optionally select the only specific statuses that you want to duplicate check against.
list_loader-status_mismatch_action Status Mismatch Action Using this feature, if a lead being loaded into the dialer dupes out by phone number ,or title and alt_phone, depending on the form settings, but does NOT dupe out against selected statuses from the -Status Duplicate Check- option, the user can opt to have the not-quite-duplicated leads already in the database moved to the current list being loaded into. The user can opt to only move the most recent occurence of a duplicated-by-phone lead or ALL occurrences found, and also whether to only use the -Lead Duplicate Check- setting when searching for duplicates or the entire system, meaning the scope of the status mismatch action can be different from the scope of the -Lead Duplicate Check- setting. This feature is ignored if you are deduping against all statuses. Use caution when utilizing this feature since it involves potential migration of large numbers of leads.
list_loader-file_layout File layout The layout of the file you are loading. Standard Format uses the pre-defined standard file format. Custom layout allows the user to define the layout of the file themselves. Custom template is a hybrid of the previous two options, which allows the user to use a custom format they have defined previously and saved using the Custom Template Maker.
list_loader-template_id Template ID If the user has selected Custom layout from the File layout options, then this the template the lead loader will use. It will also override the selected list ID with the list ID that was assigned to the selected template when it was created.
list_loader-state_conversion State Abbreviation Lookup If your lead file has state names spelled out and you would like to load them into the state field as their two-character abbreviations, this feature will look up the abbreviation from the internal database. Default is DISABLED.
phones-extension Phone Extension This field is where you put the phones name as it appears to Asterisk not including the protocol or slash at the beginning. For Example: for the SIP phone SIP/test101 the Phone extension would be test101. Also, for IAX2 phones: IAX2/IAXphone1@IAXphone1 would be IAXphone1. For Zap and Dahdi attached channelbank or FXS phones make sure you put the full channel number without the prefix: Zap/25-1 would be 25-1. Another note, make sure you set the Protocol field below correctly for your type of phone. For SIP and IAX phones, this field should not contain any dashes.
phones-dialplan_number Dial Plan Number This field is for the number you dial to have the phone ring. This number is defined in the extensions.conf file of your Asterisk server
phones-voicemail_id Voicemail Box This field is for the voicemail box that the messages go to for the user of this phone. We use this to check for voicemail messages and for the user to be able to use the VOICEMAIL button on astGUIclient app.
phones-voicemail_timezone Voicemail Zone This setting allows you to set the zone that this voicemail box will be set to when the time is logged for a message. Default is set in the System Settings.
phones-voicemail_options Voicemail Options This optional setting allows you to define additional voicemail settings. It is recommended that you leave this blank unless you know what you are doing.
phones-outbound_cid Outbound CallerID This field is where you would enter the callerID number that you would like to appear on outbound calls placed form the astguiclient web-client. This does not work on RBS, non-PRI, T1/E1s.
phones-outbound_alt_cid Outbound Alt CallerID This optional field is where you can enter an alternate callerID number that can be used in certain cases in place of the original Outbound Caller ID number. Using this will require custom dialplan entries for it to work. Default is blank.
phones-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
phones-phone_ip Phone IP address This field is for the phone IP address if it is a VOIP phone. This is an optional field
phones-computer_ip Computer IP address This field is for the user computer IP address. This is an optional field
phones-server_ip Server IP This menu is where you select which server the phone is active on.
phones-login Agent Screen Login The login used for the phone user to login to the client applications, like the agent screen.
phones-pass Login Password The password used for the phone user to login to the web-based client applications. IMPORTANT, this is the password only for the agent web interface phone login, to change the sip.conf or iax.conf password, or secret, for this phone device you need to modify the Registration Password in the next field.
phones-conf_secret Registration Password This is the secret, or password, for the phone in the iax or sip auto-generated conf file for this phone. Limit is 20 characters alphanumeric dash and underscore accepted. Default is test. Formerly called Conf File Secret. A strong registration password should be at least 8 characters in length and have lower case and upper case letters as well as at least one number.
phones-is_webphone Set As Webphone Setting this option to Y will attempt to load a web-based phone when the agent logs into their agent screen. Default is N. The Y_API_LAUNCH option can be used with the agent API to launch the webphone in a separate Iframe or window.
phones-webphone_dialpad Webphone Dialpad This setting allows you to activate or deactivate the dialpad for this webphone. Default is Y for enabled. TOGGLE will allow the user to view and hide the dialpad by clicking a link. This feature is not available on all webphone versions. TOGGLE_OFF will default to not show the dialpad on first load, but will allow the user to show the dialpad by clicking on the dialpad link.
phones-webphone_auto_answer Webphone Auto-Answer This setting allows the web phone to be set to automatically answer calls that come in by setting it to Y, or to have calls ring by setting it to N. Default is Y.
phones-webphone_dialbox Webphone Dialbox For the WebRTC phone, this setting will allow the number to dial input box to be active. Default is Y.
phones-webphone_mute Webphone Mute For the WebRTC phone, this setting will allow the mute button to be active. Default is Y.
phones-webphone_volume Webphone Volume For the WebRTC phone, this setting will allow the volume buttons to be active. Default is Y.
phones-webphone_debug Webphone Debug For the WebRTC phone, this setting will show debug output. Default is N.
phones-webphone_layout Webphone Layout For the WebRTC phone, this setting will allow you to use an alternate layout. Default is blank.
phones-use_external_server_ip Use External Server IP If using as a web phone, you can set this to Y to use the servers External IP to register to instead of the Server IP. Default is empty.
phones-status Status The status of the phone in the system, ACTIVE and ADMIN allow for GUI clients to work. ADMIN allows access to this administrative web site. All other statuses do not allow GUI or Admin web access.
phones-active Active Account Whether the phone is active to put it in the list in the GUI client.
phones-phone_type Phone Type Purely for administrative notes.
phones-fullname Full Name Used by the GUIclient in the list of active phones.
phones-company Company Purely for administrative notes.
phones-email Phones Email The email address associated with this phone entry. This is used for voicemail settings. Upon placing an email in this field, you are activating the process to drop voice mails to the email address entered.
phones-delete_vm_after_email Delete Voicemail After Email This optional setting allows you to have the voicemail messages deleted from the system after they have been emailed out. Default is N.
phones-voicemail_greeting Voicemail Greeting This optional setting allows you to define a voicemail greeting audio file from the audio store. Default is blank.
phones-voicemail_instructions Voicemail Instructions This setting allows you to define if the voicemail instructions will play after the voicemail greeting when a call rings on the agent extension and times out to voicemail. Default is Y.
phones-show_vm_on_summary Show VM on Summary Screen This option will display this Voicemail Box information on the summary page seen when logging into the administration page. It will show the box name, new message count, old count, and total messages in the box. Note the table will not be shown unless you have set at least one mailbox to Y. Default is N for off.
phones-unavail_dialplan_fwd_exten Unavailable Dialplan Forward If this field is populated, any calls sent to this phone that go unanswered will be sent to a dialplan extension instead of going to the phone voicemail box. If context is left blank then the call will go to the extension at the default context. Default is blank for disabled.
phones-picture Picture Not yet Implemented.
phones-messages New Messages Number of new voicemail messages for this phone on the Asterisk server.
phones-old_messages Old Messages Number of old voicemail messages for this phone on the Asterisk server.
phones-protocol Client Protocol The protocol that the phone uses to connect to the Asterisk server: SIP, IAX2, Zap . Also, there is EXTERNAL for remote dial numbers or speed dial numbers that you want to list as phones.
phones-local_gmt Local GMT The difference from Greenwich Mean time, or ZULU time where the phone is located. DO NOT ADJUST FOR DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME. This is used by the campaign to accurately display the system time and customer time, as well as accurately log when events happen.
phones-phone_ring_timeout Phone Ring Timeout This is the amount of time, in seconds, that the phone will ring in the dialplan before sending the call to voicemail. Default is 60 seconds.
phones-on_hook_agent On-Hook Agent Login This option is only used for inbound calls going to an agent logged in with this phone. This feature will call the agent and will not send the customer to the agents session until the line is answered. Default is N for disabled.
phones-ASTmgrUSERNAME Manager Login This is the login that the GUI clients for this phone will use to access the Database where the server data resides.
phones-ASTmgrSECRET Manager Secret This is the password that the GUI clients for this phone will use to access the Database where the server data resides.
phones-login_user Agent Default User This is to place a default value in the agent user field whenever this phone user opens the client app. Leave blank for no user.
phones-login_pass Agent Default Pass This is to place a default value in the agent password field whenever this phone user opens the client app. Leave blank for no pass.
phones-login_campaign Agent Default Campaign This is to place a default value in the agent screen campaign field whenever this phone user opens the client app. Leave blank for no campaign.
phones-park_on_extension Park Exten This is the default Parking extension for the client apps. Verify that a different one works before you change this.
phones-conf_on_extension Conf Exten This is the default Conference park extension for the client apps. Verify that a different one works before you change this.
phones-park_on_filename Agent Park File This is the default agent screen park extension file name for the client apps. Verify that a different one works before you change this. limited to 10 characters.
phones-monitor_prefix Monitor Prefix This is the dial plan prefix for monitoring of Zap channels automatically within the astGUIclient app. Only change according to the extensions.conf ZapBarge extensions records.
phones-recording_exten Recording Exten This is the dial plan extension for the recording extension that is used to drop into meetme conferences to record them. It usually lasts upto one hour if not stopped. verify with extensions.conf file before changing.
phones-voicemail_exten VMAIL Main Exten This is the dial plan extension going to check your voicemail. verify with extensions.conf file before changing.
phones-voicemail_dump_exten VMAIL Dump Exten This is the dial plan prefix used to send calls directly to a user voicemail from a live call in the astGUIclient app. verify with extensions.conf file before changing.
phones-voicemail_dump_exten_no_inst VMAIL Dump Exten NI This is the dial plan prefix used to send calls directly to a user voicemail from a live call in the astGUIclient app. This is the No Instructions setting.
phones-ext_context Exten Context This is the dial plan context that the agent screen, primarily uses. It is assumed that all numbers dialed by the client apps are using this context so it is a good idea to make sure this is the most wide context possible. verify with extensions.conf file before changing. default is default.
phones-phone_context Phone Context This is the dial plan context that this phone will use to dial out. If you are running a call center and you do not want your agents to be able to dial out outside of the agent screen application for example, then you would set this field to a dialplan context that does not exist, something like agent-nodial. default is default.
phones-codecs_list Allowed Codecs You can define a comma delimited list of codecs to be set as the default codecs for this phone. Options for codecs include ulaw, alaw, gsm, g729, speex, g722, g723, g726, ilbc, opus, slin, g719,... Some of these codecs might not be available on your system, like g729, g726 or opus. If the field is empty, then the system default codecs or the phone entry above this one will be used for the allowable codecs. Default is empty.
phones-codecs_with_template Allowed Codecs With Template Setting this option to 1 will include the codecs defined above even if a conf file template is used. Default is 0.
phones-conf_qualify Conf Qualify This setting allows you to add or remove the qualify entry in the Asterisk conf file for this phone if it is IAX type. Default is Y for active.
phones-dtmf_send_extension DTMF send Channel This is the channel string used to send DTMF sounds into meetme conferences from the client apps. Verify the exten and context with the extensions.conf file.
phones-call_out_number_group Outbound Call Group This is the channel group that outbound calls from this phone are placed out of. There are a couple routines in the client apps that use this. For Zap channels you want to use something like Zap/g2 , for IAX2 trunks you would want to use the full IAX prefix like IAX2/VICItest1:secret@ Verify the trunks with the extensions.conf file, it is usually what you have defined as the TRUNK global variable at the top of the file.
phones-client_browser Browser Location This is applicable to only UNIX/LINUX clients, the absolute path to Mozilla or Firefox browser on the machine. verify this by launching it manually.
phones-install_directory Install Directory Not used anymore.
phones-local_web_callerID_URL CallerID URL This is the web address of the page used to do custom callerID lookups. default testing address is:
phones-agent_web_URL Agent Default URL This is the web address of the page used to do custom agent Web Form queries. default testing address is defined in the database schema.
phones-nva_call_url NVA Call URL This is the optional web URL that can be used together with the NVA agi script in a Call Menu to log phone calls made outside of the agent screen. Variables that can be used with this feature are- phone_number, uniqueid, lead_id, extension, server_ip, entry_date, modify_date, status, user, vendor_lead_code, source_id, list_id, phone_number, title, first_name, middle_initial, last_name, address1, address2, address3, city, state, province, postal_code, country_code, gender, date_of_birth, alt_phone, email, security_phrase, comments, called_count, last_local_call_time, rank, owner, campaign_id, list_description, recording_id, recording_filename.
phones-nva_search_method NVA Search Method If this phone dials through the NVA agi script in a Call Menu, and the NVA agi option is set to use the phone NVA Search Method, this is where that is defined.
phones-nva_error_filename NVA Error Filename If this phone dials through the NVA agi script in a Call Menu, this is the error file that is played for the user of this phone if an error occurs.
phones-nva_new_list_id NVA New List ID If this phone dials through the NVA agi script in a Call Menu, this is the list ID that a new lead is inserted into if the phone number is not found and the NVA option to insert a new lead is set to Y. Default is 995.
phones-nva_new_phone_code NVA New Phone Code If this phone dials through the NVA agi script in a Call Menu, this is the phone code that a new lead is inserted with if the phone number is not found and the NVA option to insert a new lead is set to Y. Default is 1.
phones-nva_new_status NVA New Status If this phone dials through the NVA agi script in a Call Menu, this is the status that a new lead is inserted with if the phone number is not found and the NVA option to insert a new lead is set to Y. Default is NVAINS.
phones-AGI_call_logging_enabled Call Logging This is set to true if the call_log step is in place in the extensions.conf file for all outbound and hang up h extensions to log all calls. This should always be 1 because it is mandatory for many of the system features to work properly.
phones-user_switching_enabled User Switching Set to true to allow user to switch to another user account. NOTE: If user switches they can initiate recording on the new user phone conversation
phones-conferencing_enabled Conferencing Set to true to allow user to start conference calls with upto six external lines.
phones-admin_hangup_enabled Admin Hang Up Set to true to allow user to be able to hang up any line at will through astGUIclient. Good idea only to enable this for Admin users.
phones-admin_hijack_enabled Admin Hijack Set to true to allow user to be able to grab and redirect to their extension any line at will through astGUIclient. Good idea only to enable this for Admin users. But is very useful for Managers.
phones-admin_monitor_enabled Admin Monitor Set to true to allow user to be able to grab and redirect to their extension any line at will through astGUIclient. Good idea only to enable this for Admin users. But is very useful for Managers and as a training tool.
phones-call_parking_enabled Call Park Set to true to allow user to be able to park calls on astGUIclient hold to be picked up by any other astGUIclient user on the system. Calls stay on hold for upto a half hour then hang up. Usually enabled for all.
phones-updater_check_enabled Updater Check Set to true to display a popup warning that the updater time has not changed in 20 seconds. Useful for Admin users.
phones-AFLogging_enabled AF Logging Set to true to log many actions of astGUIclient usage to a text file on the user computer.
phones-QUEUE_ACTION_enabled Queue Enabled Set to true to have client apps use the Asterisk Central Queue system. Required for the system to work and recommended for all phones.
phones-CallerID_popup_enabled CallerID Popup Set to true to allow for numbers defined in the extensions.conf file to send CallerID popup screens to astGUIclient users.
phones-voicemail_button_enabled VMail Button Set to true to display the VOICEMAIL button and the messages count display on astGUIclient.
phones-enable_fast_refresh Fast Refresh Set to true to enable a new rate of refresh of call information for the astGUIclient. Default disabled rate is 1000 ms ,1 second. Can increase system load if you lower this number.
phones-fast_refresh_rate Fast Refresh Rate in milliseconds. Only used if Fast Refresh is enabled. Default disabled rate is 1000 ms ,1 second. Can increase system load if you lower this number.
phones-enable_persistant_mysql Persistant MySQL If enabled the astGUIclient connection will remain connected instead of connecting every second. Useful if you have a fast refresh rate set. It will increase the number of connections on your MySQL machine.
phones-auto_dial_next_number Auto Dial Next Number If enabled the agent screen will dial the next number on the list automatically upon disposition of a call unless they selected to PAUSE AGENT DIALING on the disposition screen.
phones-VDstop_rec_after_each_call Stop Rec after each call If enabled the agent screen will stop whatever recording is going on after each call has been dispositioned. Useful if you are doing a lot of recording or you are using a web form to trigger recording.
phones-enable_sipsak_messages Enable SIPSAK Messages If enabled, the server will send messages to the SIP phone to display on the phone display screen when logged into the agent web interface. Feature only works with SIP phones and requires sipsak application to be installed on the web server. Default is 0.
phones-DBX_server DBX Server The MySQL database server that this user should be connecting to.
phones-DBX_database DBX Database The MySQL database that this user should be connecting to. Default is asterisk.
phones-DBX_user DBX User The MySQL user login that this user should be using when connecting. Default is cron.
phones-DBX_pass DBX Pass The MySQL user password that this user should be using when connecting. Default is 1234.
phones-DBX_port DBX Port The MySQL TCP port that this user should be using when connecting. Default is 3306.
phones-DBY_server DBY Server The MySQL database server that this user should be connecting to. Secondary server, not used currently.
phones-DBY_database DBY Database The MySQL database that this user should be connecting to. Default is asterisk. Secondary server, not used currently.
phones-DBY_user DBY User The MySQL user login that this user should be using when connecting. Default is cron. Secondary server, not used currently.
phones-DBY_pass DBY Pass The MySQL user password that this user should be using when connecting. Default is 1234. Secondary server, not used currently.
phones-DBY_port DBY Port The MySQL TCP port that this user should be using when connecting. Default is 3306. Secondary server, not used currently.
phones-alias_id Alias ID The ID of the alias used to allow for phone load balanced logins. no spaces or other special characters allowed. Must be between 2 and 20 characters in length.
phones-alias_name Alias Name The name used to describe a phones alias, Must be between 2 and 50 characters in length.
phones-logins_list Phones Logins List The comma separated list of phone logins used when an agent logs in using phone load balanced logins. The Agent application will find the active server with the fewest agents logged into it and place a call from that server to the agent upon login.
phones-template_id Template ID This is the conf file template ID that this phone entry will use for its Asterisk settings. Default is --NONE--.
phones-conf_override Conf Override Settings If populated, and the Template ID is set to --NONE-- then the contents of this field are used as the conf file entries for this phone. generate conf files for this phones server must be set to Y for this to work. This field should NOT contain the [extension] line, that will be automatically generated.
phones-group_alias_id Group Alias ID The ID of the group alias used by agents to dial out calls from the agent interface with different Caller IDs. no spaces or other special characters allowed. Must be between 2 and 20 characters in length.
phones-group_alias_name Group Alias Name The name used to describe a group alias, Must be between 2 and 50 characters in length.
phones-caller_id_number Caller ID Number The Caller ID number used in this Group Alias. Must be digits only.
phones-caller_id_name Caller ID Name The Caller ID name that can be sent out with this Group Alias. As far as we know this will only work in Canada on PRI circuits and using an IAX loop trunk through Asterisk.
servers-server_id Server ID This field is where you put the Asterisk servers name, does not have to be an official domain sub, just a nickname to identify the server to Admin users.
servers-server_description Server Description The field where you use a small phrase to describe the Asterisk server.
servers-server_ip Server IP Address The field where you put the Network IP address of the Asterisk server.
servers-active Active Set whether the Asterisk server is active or inactive.
servers-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
servers-sysload System Load These two statistics show the loadavg of a system times 100 and the CPU usage percentage of the server and is updated every minute. The loadavg should on average be below 100 multiplied by the number of CPU cores your system has, for optimal performance. The CPU usage percentage should stay below 50 for optimal performance.
servers-channels_total Live Channels This field shows the current number of Asterisk channels that are live on the system right now. It is important to note that the number of Asterisk channels is usually much higher than the number of actual calls on a system. This field is updated once every minute. The Agents field shows the current number of agents logged into the agent screen on this server.
servers-disk_usage Disk Usage This field will show the disk usage for every partition on this server. This field is updated once every minute.
servers-system_uptime System Uptime This field will show the system uptime of this server. This field only updates if configured to do so by your administrator.
servers-asterisk_version Asterisk Version Set the version of Asterisk that you have installed on this server. Examples: 1.2, 1.0.8, 1.0.7, CVS_HEAD, REALLY OLD, etc... This is used because versions 1.0.8 and 1.0.9 have a different method of dealing with Local/ channels, a bug that has been fixed in CVS v1.0, and need to be treated differently when handling their Local/ channels. Also, current CVS_HEAD and the 1.2 release tree uses different manager and command output so it must be treated differently as well.
servers-max_trunks Max Trunks This field will determine the maximum number of lines that the auto-dialer will attempt to call on this server. If you want to dedicate two full PRI T1s to outbound dialing on a server then you would set this to 46. Any inbound or manual dial calls will be counted against this total as well. Default is 96.
servers-outbound_calls_per_second Max Calls per Second This setting determines the maximum number of calls that can be placed by the outbound auto-dialing script on this server per second. Must be from 1 to 100. Default is 5. Most SIP carriers can handle less than 4.
servers-telnet_host Telnet Host This is the address or name of the Asterisk server and is how the manager applications connect to it from where they are running. If they are running on the Asterisk server, then the default of localhost is fine.
servers-telnet_port Telnet Port This is the port of the Asterisk server Manager connection and is how the manager applications connect to it from where they are running. The default of 5038 is fine for a standard install.
servers-ASTmgrUSERNAME Manager User The username or login used to connect genericly to the Asterisk server manager. Default is cron
servers-ASTmgrSECRET Manager Secret The secret or password used to connect genericly to the Asterisk server manager. Default is 1234
servers-ASTmgrUSERNAMEupdate Manager Update User The username or login used to connect to the Asterisk server manager optimized for the Update scripts. Default is updatecron and assumes the same secret as the generic user.
servers-ASTmgrUSERNAMElisten Manager Listen User The username or login used to connect to the Asterisk server manager optimized for scripts that only listen for output. Default is listencron and assumes the same secret as the generic user.
servers-ASTmgrUSERNAMEsend Manager Send User The username or login used to connect to the Asterisk server manager optimized for scripts that only send Actions to the manager. Default is sendcron and assumes the same secret as the generic user.
servers-conf_secret Conf File Secret This is the secret, or password, for the server in the iax auto-generated conf file for this server on other servers. Limit is 20 characters alphanumeric dash and underscore accepted. Default is test. A strong conf file secret should be at least 8 characters in length and have lower case and upper case letters as well as at least one number.
servers-local_gmt Server GMT offset The difference in hours from GMT time not adjusted for Daylight-Savings-Time of the server. Default is -5
servers-voicemail_dump_exten VMail Dump Exten The extension prefix used on this server to send calls directly through agc to a specific voicemail box. Default is 85026666666666
servers-voicemail_dump_exten_no_inst VMAIL Dump Exten NI This is the dial plan prefix used to send calls directly to a user voicemail from a live call in the astGUIclient app. This is the No Instructions setting.
servers-answer_transfer_agent auto dial extension The default extension if none is present in the campaign to send calls to for auto dialing. Default is 8365
servers-routing_prefix Routing Prefix If populated, this value will be added in front of the auto dial extension when an auto-dial call is placced on a dialer server that is running Asterisk verison 13 or higher. Default is 13.
servers-ext_context Default Context The default dial plan context used for scripts that operate for this server. Default is default
servers-sys_perf_log System Performance Setting this option to Y will enable logging of system performance stats for the server machine including system load, system processes and Asterisk channels in use. Default is N.
servers-vd_server_logs Server Logs Setting this option to Y will enable logging of all system related scripts to their text log files. Setting this to N will stop writing logs to files for these processes, also the screen logging of asterisk will be disabled if this is set to N when Asterisk is started. Default is Y.
servers-agi_output AGI Output Setting this option to NONE will disable output from all system related AGI scripts. Setting this to STDERR will send the AGI output to the Asterisk CLI. Setting this to FILE will send the output to a file in the logs directory. Setting this to BOTH will send output to both the Asterisk CLI and a log file. Default is FILE.
servers-balance_active Balance Dialing Setting this field to Y will allow the server to place balance calls for campaigns in the system so that the defined dial level can be met even if there are no agents logged into that campaign on this server. Default is N.
servers-balance_rank Balance Rank This field allows you to set the order in which this server is to be used for balance dialing, if balance dialing is enabled. The server with the highest rank will be used first in placing Balance fill calls. Default is 0.
servers-balance_trunks_offlimits Balance Offlimits This setting defines the number of trunks to not allow the balance dialing processes to use. For example if you have 40 max trunks and balance offlimits is set to 10 you will only be able to use 30 trunk lines for balance dialing. Default is 0.
servers-recording_web_link Recording Web Link This setting allows you to override the default of the display of the recording link in the admin web pages. Default is SERVER_IP.
servers-alt_server_ip Alternate Recording Server IP This setting is where you can put a server IP or other machine name that can be used in place of the server_ip in the links to recordings within the admin web pages. Default is empty.
servers-external_server_ip External Server IP This setting is where you can put a server IP or other machine name that can be used in place of the server_ip when using a webphone in the agent interface. For this to work you also must have the phones entry set to use the External Server IP. Default is empty.
servers-web_socket_url Web Socket URL For systems running Asterisk 11 and higher, this is the URL that a WebRTC phone needs to connect to the server.
servers-external_web_socket_url External Web Socket URL For systems running Asterisk 11 and higher, this is the External URL that a WebRTC phone needs to connect to the server. This External web socket is used if the Phone entry has Use External Server IP set to Y. Default is blank, which will use the normal Web Socket URL.
servers-active_asterisk_server Active Asterisk Server If Asterisk is not running on this server, or if the dialing processes should not be using this server, or if are only using this server for other scripts like the hopper loading script you would want to set this to N. Default is Y.
servers-auto_restart_asterisk Auto-Restart Asterisk If Asterisk is running on this server and you want the system to make sure that it will be restarted in the event that it crashes, you might want to consider enabling this setting. If enabled, the system will check every minute to see if Asterisk is running, and if it is not it will attempt to restart it. This process will not run in the first 5 minutes after a system has been up. Default is N.
servers-asterisk_temp_no_restart Temp No-Restart Asterisk If Auto-Restart Asterisk is enabled on this server, turning on this setting will prevent the auto-restart process from running until after the server is rebooted. Default is N.
servers-active_agent_login_server Active Agent Server Setting this option to N will prevent agents from being able to log in to this server through the agent screen. This is very useful when using a phone login load balanced setup. Default is Y.
servers-generate_conf Generate conf files If you would like the system to auto-generate asterisk conf files based upon the phones entries, carrier entries and load balancing setup within the system then set this to Y. Default is Y.
servers-rebuild_conf_files Rebuild conf files If you want to force a rebuilding of the Asterisk conf files or if any of the phones or carrier entries have changed then this should be set to Y. After the conf files have been generated and Asterisk has been reloaded then this will be changed to N. Default is Y.
servers-rebuild_music_on_hold Rebuild Music On Hold If you want to force a rebuilding of the music on hold files or if the music on hold entries or server entries have changed then this should be set to Y. After the music on hold files have been synchronized and reloaded then this will be changed to N. Default is Y.
servers-sounds_update Sounds Update If you want to force a check of the sound files on this server, and the central audio store is enabled as a system setting, then this field will allow the sounds updater to run at the next top of the minute. Any time an audio file is uploaded from the web interface this is automatically set to Y for all servers that have Asterisk active. Default is N.
servers-recording_limit Recording Limit This field is where you set the maximum number of minutes that a call recording initiated by the system can be. Default is 60 minutes. This setting also limits the amount of time a 3-way call that has been left by an agent will stay up before it is terminated.
servers-carrier_logging_active Carrier Logging Active This setting allows you to log all hangup return codes for any outbound list dialing calls that you are placing. Default is N.
servers-gather_asterisk_output Gather Asterisk Output This setting allows you to activate a process that can run every 5 minutes on an active asterisk server and log the SIP/IAX peers and registry output along with the last 1000 lines of Asterisk CLI output. This output is then available to be displayed in the Asterisk Output Report on the Admin Utilities page. Default is N for inactive.
servers-conf_qualify Conf Qualify This setting allows you to add or remove the qualify entries in the Asterisk conf files. Default is Y for active.
servers-custom_dialplan_entry Custom Dialplan Entry This field allows you to enter in any dialplan elements that you want for the server, the lines will be added to the default context.
servers-active_twin_server_ip Active Twin Server IP Some vicidial systems require setting up vicidial servers in pairs. This setting is where you can put the server IP of another vicidial server that this server is twinned with. Default is empty for disabled.
conf_templates-template_id Template ID This field needs to be at least 2 characters in length and no more than 15 characters in length, no spaces. This is the ID that will be used to identify the conf template throughout the system.
conf_templates-template_name Template Name This is the descriptive name of the conf file template entry.
conf_templates-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
conf_templates-template_contents Template Contents This field is where you can enter in the specific settings to be used by all phones and-or carriers that are set to use this conf template. Fields that should NOT be included in this box are: secret, accountcode, account, username and mailbox.
server_carriers-carrier_id Carrier ID This field needs to be at least 2 characters in length and no more than 15 characters in length, no spaces. This is the ID that will be used to identify the carrier for this specific entry throughout the system.
server_carriers-carrier_name Carrier Name This is the descriptive name of the carrier entry.
server_carriers-carrier_description Carrier Description This is put in the comments of the asterisk conf files above the dialplan and account entries. Maximum 255 characters.
server_carriers-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
server_carriers-registration_string Registration String This field is where you can enter in the exact string needed in the IAX or SIP configuration file to register to the provider. Optional but highly recommended if your carrier allows registration.
server_carriers-template_id Template ID This optional field allows you to choose a conf file template for this carrier entry.
server_carriers-account_entry Account Entry This field is used if you have not selected a template to use, and it is where you can enter in the specific account settings to be used for this carrier. If you will be taking in inbound calls from this carrier trunk you might want to set the context=trunkinbound within this field so that you can use the DID handling process within the system.
server_carriers-protocol Protocol This field allows you to define the protocol to use for the carrier entry. Currently only IAX and SIP are supported.
server_carriers-globals_string Globals String This optional field allows you to define a global variable to use for the carrier in the dialplan.
server_carriers-dialplan_entry Dialplan Entry This optional field allows you to define a set of dialplan entries to use for this carrier.
server_carriers-server_ip Server IP This is the server that this specific carrier record is associated with. If you set this to then this carrier entry will be put on all active asterisk servers.
server_carriers-active Active This defines whether the carrier will be included in the auto-generated conf files or not.
conferences-conf_exten Conference Number This field is where you put the meetme conference dialplan number. It is also recommended that the meetme number in meetme.conf matches this number for each entry. This is for the conferences in the astGUIclient user screen and is used for leave-3way-call functionality in the system.
conferences-server_ip Server IP The menu where you select the Asterisk server that this conference will be on.
server_trunks Server Trunks Server Trunks allows you to restrict the outgoing lines that are used on this server for campaign dialing on a per-campaign basis. You have the option to reserve a specific number of lines to be used by only one campaign as well as allowing that campaign to run over its reserved lines into whatever lines remain open, as long at the total lines used by the system on this server is less than the Max Trunks setting. Not having any of these records will allow the campaign that dials the line first to have as many lines as it can get under the Max Trunks setting.
settings-default_external_server_ip Default External Server IP If set to 1, this option will enable you to have your web phone located on a different server
settings-use_non_latin Use Non-Latin This option allows you to default the web display script to use UTF8 characters and not do any latin-character-family regular expression filtering or display formatting. Default is 0.
settings-enable_languages Enable Languages This setting allows you to enable non-English language translations on the system. A new section called Languages under the Admin section will also be available to manager Languages. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-language_method Language Method This setting defines how the language translation works when pages are loaded. The MYSQL method performs a database query for every display of a phrase in the interface. The DISABLED method will always display -default English- no matter what other settings are set to. Default is DISABLED.
settings-default_language Default Language This is the language that the agent and administrative interface will default to before the agent logs in. Default is -default English-.
settings-webroot_writable Webroot Writable This setting allows you to define whether temp files and authentication files should be placed in the webroot on your web server. Default is 1.
settings-agent_disable Agent Disable Display This field is used to select when to show an agent notices when their session has been disabled by the system, a manager action or by an external measure. The NOT_ACTIVE setting will disable the message on the agents screen. The LIVE_AGENT setting will only display the disabled message when the agents auto_calls record has been removed, such as during a force logout or emergency logout. Default is ALL.
settings-frozen_server_call_clear Clear Frozen Calls This option can enable the ability for the general Reports page and the optional script to clear out the auto_calls entries for a frozen server so they do not affect call routing. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-allow_sipsak_messages Allow SIPSAK Messages If set to 1, this will allow the sipsak phones table setting to work if the phone is set to the SIP protocol. The server will send messages to the SIP phone to display on the phone display when logged into the system. This feature only works with SIP phones and requires sipsak application to be installed on the web server that the agent is logged into. Default is 0.
settings-vdc_agent_api_active Agent API Active If set to 1, this will allow the Agent API interface to function. Default is 0.
settings-admin_modify_refresh Admin Modify Auto-Refresh This is the refresh interval in seconds of the modify screens in this admin interface. Setting this to 0 will disable it, setting it below 5 will mostly make the modify screens unusable because they will refresh too quickly to change fields. This option is useful in situations where more than one manager is controlling settings on an active campaign or in-group so that the settings are refreshed frequently. Default is 0.
settings-nocache_admin Admin No-Cache Setting this to 1 will set all admin pages to web browser no-cache, so every screen has to be reloaded every time it is viewed, even if clicking back on the browser. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-admin_row_click Admin Row Click Setting this to 1 will allow you to click on a row to go to a record link in addition to being able to go to the record link by clicking on the text link. Default is 1 for enabled.
settings-user_admin_redirect Admin User Redirect If enabled, you can define a URL that an admin web user is redirected to when they log in to the admin screens. This is often used for level 7 report only users to be sent to a single report without seeing the admin screens at all. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-enable_agc_xfer_log Enable Agent Transfer Logfile This option will log to a text logfile on the webserver every time a call is transferred to an agent. Default is 0, disabled.
settings-enable_agc_dispo_log Enable Agent Disposition Logfile This option will log to a text logfile on the webserver every time a call is dispositioned by an agent. Default is 0, disabled.
settings-timeclock_end_of_day Timeclock End Of Day This setting defines when all users are to be auto logged out of the timeclock system. Only runs once a day. must be only 4 digits 2 digit hour and 2 digit minutes in 24 hour time. Default is 0000.
settings-default_local_gmt Default Local GMT This setting defines what will be used by default when new phones and servers are added using this admin web interface. Default is -5.
settings-default_voicemail_timezone Default Voicemail Zone This setting defines what zone will be used by default when new phones and voicemail boxes are created. The list of available zones is directly taken from the voicemail.conf file. Default is eastern.
settings-agents_calls_reset Agents Calls Reset This setting defines whether the logged-in agents and active phone calls records are to be reset at the timeclock end of day. Default is 1 for enabled.
settings-timeclock_last_reset_date Timeclock Last Auto Logout This field displays the date of the last auto-logout.
settings-vdc_header_date_format Agent Screen Header Date Format This menu allows you to choose the format of the date and time that shows up at the top of the agent screen. The options for this setting are: default is MS_DASH_24HR
MS_DASH_24HR 2008-06-24 23:59:59 - Default date format with year month day followed by 24 hour time
US_SLASH_24HR 06/24/2008 23:59:59 - USA date format with month day year followed by 24 hour time
EU_SLASH_24HR 24/06/2008 23:59:59 - European date format with day month year followed by 24 hour time
AL_TEXT_24HR JUN 24 23:59:59 - Text date format with abbreviated month day followed by 24 hour time
MS_DASH_AMPM 2008-06-24 11:59:59 PM - Default date format with year month day followed by 12 hour time
US_SLASH_AMPM 06/24/2008 11:59:59 PM - USA date format with month day year followed by 12 hour time
EU_SLASH_AMPM 24/06/2008 11:59:59 PM - European date format with day month year followed by 12 hour time
AL_TEXT_AMPM JUN 24 11:59:59 PM - Text date format with abbreviated month day followed by 12 hour time
settings-vdc_customer_date_format Agent Screen Customer Date Format This menu allows you to choose the format of the customer date and time that shows up at the top of the Customer Information section of the agent screen. The options for this setting are: default is AL_TEXT_AMPM
MS_DASH_24HR 2008-06-24 23:59:59 - Default date format with year month day followed by 24 hour time
US_SLASH_24HR 06/24/2008 23:59:59 - USA date format with month day year followed by 24 hour time
EU_SLASH_24HR 24/06/2008 23:59:59 - European date format with day month year followed by 24 hour time
AL_TEXT_24HR JUN 24 23:59:59 - Text date format with abbreviated month day followed by 24 hour time
MS_DASH_AMPM 2008-06-24 11:59:59 PM - Default date format with year month day followed by 12 hour time
US_SLASH_AMPM 06/24/2008 11:59:59 PM - USA date format with month day year followed by 12 hour time
EU_SLASH_AMPM 24/06/2008 11:59:59 PM - European date format with day month year followed by 12 hour time
AL_TEXT_AMPM JUN 24 11:59:59 PM - Text date format with abbreviated month day followed by 12 hour time
settings-vdc_header_phone_format Agent Screen Customer Phone Format This menu allows you to choose the format of the customer phone number that shows up in the status section of the agent screen. The options for this setting are: default is US_PARN
US_DASH 000-000-0000 - USA dash separated phone number
US_PARN (000)000-0000 - USA dash separated number with area code in parenthesis
MS_NODS 0000000000 - No formatting
UK_DASH 00 0000-0000 - UK dash separated phone number with space after city code
AU_SPAC 000 000 000 - Australia space separated phone number
IT_DASH 0000-000-000 - Italy dash separated phone number
FR_SPAC 00 00 00 00 00 - France space separated phone number
settings-agent_xfer_park_3way Agent Screen Park Xfer Button This option defines whether the agent screen can have a button in the Transfer Conference frame that will allow the agent to park a 3way call. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-agent_logout_link Agent Screen Logout Link Credentials This option controls whether the agent screen logout link will contain the agent credentials as a part of the link, or if the link will go to a blank login page. -0- will go to a blank form and -1- will go to a form that has the user credentials filled in.
settings-agent_soundboards Agent Soundboards This option allows you to create agent soundboards that allow an agent in the user screen to click on audio files to have them play in their session. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-enable_pause_code_limits Enable Pause Code Time Limits This option allows you to be able to set the Time Limit field in campaign pause codes, which will change the color of the agent on the Real-Time Report if they are in that pause code for more than the defined amount of seconds. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-agentonly_callback_campaign_lock Agent Only Callback Campaign Lock This option defines whether AGENTONLY callbacks are locked to the campaign that the agent originally created them under. Setting this to 1 means that the agent can only dial them from the campaign they were set under, 0 means that the agent can access them no matter what campaign they are logged into. Default is 1.
settings-callback_time_24hour Callback Time 24 Hours This option defines whether the agent sees 12 hour time with AM PM options or 24 hour time on the Callback setting screen in the agent interface. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-anyone_callback_inactive_lists Anyone Callback Inactive Lists This option defines whether an ANYONE callback within an inactive list will be placed in the hopper to be dialed or not. The default option will place ANYONE scheduled callbacks from inactive lists into the hopper for up to one minute before removing them from the hopper. Using the NO_ADD_TO_HOPPER option will prevent ANYONE scheduled callbacks from inactive lists from ever being put into the hopper while the list is inactive. The KEEP_IN_HOPPER option will put ANYONE scheduled callbacks from inactive lists into the hopper and will make sure they stay in the hopper until they are dialed, or they are no longer dialable due to a Call Time setting. This feature only affects campaigns that use the dial hopper. Default is default.
settings-sounds_central_control_active Central Sound Control Active This option defines whether the sound synchronization system is active across all servers. Default is 0 for inactive.
settings-sounds_web_server Sounds Web Server This is the server name or IP address of the web server that will be handling the sound files on this system, this must match the server name or IP of the machine you are trying to access the audio_store.php webpage on or it will not work. Default is
settings-sounds_web_directory Sounds Web Directory This auto-generated directory name is created at random by the system as the place that the audio store will be kept. All audio files will reside in this directory.
settings-meetme_enter_login_filename Custom Agent Login Sound This is a systemwide feature that only works on Asterisk 1.8 servers or higher. This allows you to set an audio file for your agents to hear after their phone has connected to the server after they have logged in to the agent screen. If you want to have this audio prompt be the only prompt that the agent hears, then you will need to copy the sip-silence audio files over the only-person audio files. If you want the agent to hear no prompt when they login then also set this field to sip-silence. Default is EMPTY.
settings-meetme_enter_leave3way_filename Custom Agent Leave 3way Sound This is a systemwide feature that only works on Asterisk 1.8 servers or higher. This allows you to set an audio file for your agents to hear after they have left a 3way conference in the agent screen. If you want to have this audio prompt be the only prompt that the agent hears, then you will need to copy the sip-silence audio files over the only-person audio files. If you want the agent to hear no prompt after they leave a 3way call then also set this field to sip-silence. Default is EMPTY.
settings-admin_home_url Admin Home URL This is the URL or web site address that you will go to if you click on the HOME link at the top of the admin.php page.
settings-admin_web_directory Admin Web Directory This is the web directory that your administration web content, like admin.php, are in. To figure out your Admin web directory, it is everything that is between the domain name and the admin.php in the URL on this page, without the beginning and ending slashes.
settings-agent_script Agent Screen Script This is the PHP script page of the agent screen.
settings-active_voicemail_server Active Voicemail Server In multi-server systems, this is the server that will handle all voicemail boxes. This server is also where the dial-in generated prompts will be uploaded from, the 8168 recordings.
settings-allow_voicemail_greeting Allow Voicemail Greeting Chooser If this setting is enabled it will allow you to choose an audio file from the audio store to be played as the voicemail greeting to a specific voicemail box. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-outbound_autodial_active Outbound Auto-Dial Active This option allows you to enable or disable outbound auto-dialing within the system, setting this field to 0 will remove the LISTS and FILTERS sections and many fields from the Campaign Modification screens. Manual entry dialing will still be allowable from within the agent screen, but no list dialing will be possible. Default is 1 for active.
settings-ofcom_uk_drop_calc UK OFCOM Drop Calculation This option allows you to enable the new UK OFCOM Drop calculation formula for individual campaigns. As of December 2015, OFCOM in the UK changed their method for calculating the drop,or abandon, percentage for an outbound dialing campaign. The new formula includes an estimate of the number of drops that were answering machines. They do this by using the agent-answered percentage of answering machines and subtracting that percentage from the number of drops. Then that new drop number is divided by the total agent-answered human-answered calls PLUS the number of drops. This differs in several ways from the way it had been done, as well as the way the drop percentage has been calculated in the USA and Canada. This new UK drop calculation method can be activated as a system setting AND a campaign option. Both must be enabled for the campaign to use the new method. In order for agent-statused answering machines to be calculated properly, we have added an answering machine status flag that is used to gather those statuses. Default is 0 for inactive.
settings-disable_auto_dial Disable Auto-Dial This option is only editable by a system administrator. It will not remove any options from the management web interface, but it will prevent any auto-dialing of leads from happening on the system. Only Manual Dial outbound calls triggered directly by agents will function if this option is enabled. Default is 0 for inactive.
settings-auto_dial_limit Ratio Dial Limit This is the maximum limit of the auto dial level in the campaign screen.
settings-outbound_calls_per_second Max FILL Calls per Second This setting determines the maximum number of calls that can be placed by the auto-FILL outbound auto-dialing script on for all servers, per second. Must be from 1 to 200. Default is 40.
settings-web_loader_phone_length Web Lead Loader Phone Length This setting allows you to only allow phone numbers of a specific length into the system when loading leads with the web lead loader. The CHOOSE option allows a manager to optionally select a number of phone number digits to check the length by when loading leads one file at a time. Selecting a number option will not allow a manager to choose while loading leads, the check will be used every time the web lead loader is used. Default is DISABLED.
settings-allow_custom_dialplan Allow Custom Dialplan Entries This option allows you to enter custom dialplan lines into Call Menus, Servers and System Settings. Default is 0 for inactive.
settings-pllb_grouping_limit PLLB Grouping Limit Phone Login Load Balancing Grouping Limit. If PLLB Grouping is set to CASCADING at the campaign level then this setting will determine the number of agents acceptable on each server across all campaigns. Default is 100.
settings-generate_cross_server_exten Generate Cross-Server Phone Extensions This option if set to 1 will generate dialplan entries for every phone on a multi-server system. Default is 0 for inactive.
settings-usacan_phone_dialcode_fix USA-Canada Phone Number Dialcode Fix This option if set to 1 will trigger a process that will run at the Timeclock End of Day and will check all phone numbers to populate the dial code, or phone code, field with a 1 if it is missing as well as remove a leading 1 from the phone number field if it is present. Default is 0 for inactive.
settings-default_phone_code Default Phone Code This setting will be used to fill in the Phone Code field on manual dial calls from the agent screen, also called Dial Code in some places. Default is 1.
settings-user_territories_active User Territories Active This setting allows you to enable the User Territories settings from the user modification screen. This feature was added to allow for more integration with a customized Vtiger installation but can have applications in system by itself as well. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-list_status_modification_confirmation List Status Modification Confirmation This setting will cause the admin interface to request a confirmation whenever a user submits a change to the campaign settings or list settings that involves modifying the -Active- status of a list. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-enable_first_webform Enable First Webform This setting allows you to have a web form for campaigns and in-groups in the agent interface. Default is 1 for enabled.
settings-enable_second_webform Enable Second Webform This setting allows you to have a second web form for campaigns and in-groups in the agent interface. Default is 1 for enabled.
settings-enable_third_webform Enable Third Webform This setting allows you to have a third web form for campaigns and in-groups in the agent interface. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-enable_second_script Enable Second Script Tab This setting allows you to have a second script tab for campaigns and in the agent interface. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-enable_tts_integration Enable TTS Integration This setting allows you to enable Text To Speech integration with Cepstral. This is currently only available for outbound Survey type campaigns. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-callcard_enabled Enable CallCard This setting enables the CallCard features to allow for callers to use pin numbers and card_ids that have a balance of minutes and those balances can have agent talk time on customer calls to in-groups deducted. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-test_campaign_calls Enable Campaign Test Calls This setting enables the ability to enter a phone code and phone number into fields at the bottom of the Campaign Detail screen and place a phone call to that number as if it were a lead being auto-dialed in the system. The phone number will be stored as a new lead in the manual dial list ID list. The campaign must be active for this feature to be enabled, and it is recommended that the lists assigned to the campaign all be set to inactive. The dial prefix, dial timeout and all other dialing related features, except for DNC and call time options, will affect the dialing of the test number. The phone call will be placed on the server selected as the voicemail server in the system settings. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-did_system_filter DID System Filter This setting enables the special did_system_filter DID entry. The filter settings in this DID entry will be applied to all incoming calls to the system, prior to any other actions on the call. This feature is commonly used for system-wide inbound blacklists, or filtering of do-not-contact phone numbers. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-user_new_lead_limit New Leads Per List Limit This setting enables the new lead limits per list to be set on the list modify page and the user list new lead limit page. This feature will only work properly if the campaign is set to either the MANUAL or INBOUND_MAN Dial Method and No Hopper dialing is enabled. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-call_quota_lead_ranking Call Quota Lead Ranking This setting allows you to use the campaign setting for Call Quota Lead Ranking, which allows for a complex set of recycle dialing priorities for non-contact calls. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-custom_fields_enabled Enable Custom List Fields This setting enables the custom list fields feature that allows for custom data fields to be defined in the administration web interface on a per-list basis and then have those fields available in a FORM tab to the agent in the agent web interface. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-expanded_list_stats Enable Expanded List Stats This setting enables two additional columns to be displayed on most of the List status breakdown tables on the list modification and campaign modification pages. Penetration is defined as the percent of leads that are at or above the campaign Call Count Limit and-or the status is marked as Completed. Default is 1 for enabled.
settings-hide_inactive_lists Hide Inactive Lists This setting allows you to hide inactive lists from the Lists Listing page. Similar to the default Users feature, a link to display all lists will be available at the top of the listings section. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-country_code_list_stats Country Code List Stats This setting if enabled will show a country code breakdown summary on the list modify screen. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-enable_did_entry_list_id Enable DID Entry List ID This setting if enabled will allow a manager to define an entry list id to use on the DID modify screen. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-allow_manage_active_lists Lead Manager Active Lists This setting if enabled will allow a manager to select active lists for modification within the Lead Management admin utilities. We do not recommend enabling this option since it can cause issues with leads that could be part of active calling within the system. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-expired_lists_inactive Expired Lists Auto Inactive This setting if enabled will automatically change lists that have an expiration date set to a past date to Active equals N. This is performed through both a check every time the List Modify screen is loaded for a specific list as well as a once an hour check on all lists. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-enable_gdpr_download_deletion Enable GDPR-compliant Data Download Deletion This setting if enabled will allow for the complete download and/or deletion of all customer data for a particular lead, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Default is 0 for disabled. A setting of 1 will enable downloading data, and a setting of 2 will enable not just downloading, but also deletion of data, including any recordings.
settings-enable_drop_lists Enable Drop Lists This setting if enabled will make the Drop Lists feature appear under the LISTS menu. This feature set can take dropped call log records and create new leads in a list from multiple inbound groups. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-source_id_display Admin Lead Source ID Display This setting will make the Source ID lead field show up in the Admin Modify Lead screen. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-agent_debug_logging Agent Screen Debug Logging This setting if enabled will log almost all agent screen mouse clicks and AJAX processes triggered by the agent screen. To enable for all agents, set this option to 1. To enable only for one agent on the system, set this option to the user that you want to log. Warning, this feature can log hundreds of entries per phone call, so use with caution. These agent debug records are deleted after 7 days. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-enhanced_disconnect_logging Enhanced Disconnect Logging This setting enables logging of calls that get a CONGESTION signal with a cause code of 1, 19, 21, 34 or 38. We usually do not recommend enabling this in the USA. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-sip_event_logging SIP Event Logging This setting will enable logging of SIP events on outbound phone calls for servers that are running patched versions of Asterisk 13 or higher. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-cache_carrier_stats_realtime Cached Realtime Carrier Stats This setting if enabled will change the real-time report from gathering the carrier log stats every time it is refreshed on every screen it is running on, to a cached set of carrier log stats that are refreshed once per minute. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-campaign_cid_areacodes_enabled Enable CID Groups and Campaign Areacode CID This setting enables the ability to set specific outbound callerid numbers to be used per areacode for a campaign, as well as CID Groups which allows both per areacode and per state options for groups of CallerID numbers for one or multiple campaigns. Default is 1 for enabled.
settings-opensips_cid_name OpenSIPs CID Name Support If your system is using an OpenSIPs server to route outbound phone calls, and your system administrator has set up that server to be able to send CallerID Name through it, you can enable this setting to allow you to define an OpenSIPs CallerID Name in the Campaign Detail screen. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-did_ra_extensions_enabled Enable Remote Agent Extension Overrides This setting enables DIDs to have extension overrides for remote agent routed calls through in-groups. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-agent_whisper_enabled Enable Agent Whisper Monitoring This setting allows a manager to be able to speak to a logged in agent without the customer being able to hear them. WARNING, this feature is considered experimental and may not function properly in some cases. Older versions of Asterisk have shown to have serious issues at times with this feature and can cause Asterisk to freeze or crash. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-user_hide_realtime_enabled Enable User Hide RealTime This setting allows a User Modify setting to be changed to allow a user to be hidden from all managers in the Real-Time Report. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-manual_auto_next Enable Manual Dial Auto Next This setting allows the campaign setting to be enabled forcing a manual dial after X seconds in a manual or inbound manual dial mode. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-manual_dial_validation Enable Manual Dial Validation This setting if set to 1 will allow you to enable the Manual Dial Validation feature on a per-campaign basis. If set to 2 the Manual Dial Validation feature will be forced as enabled on all campaigns on the system. The default is 0 for disabled.
settings-contacts_enabled Contacts Enabled This setting enables the Contacts sub-section in Admin which allows a manager to add modify or delete contacts in the system that can be used as part of a Custom Transfer in a campaign where an agent can search for contacts by first name last name or office number and then select one of many numbers associated with that contact. This feature is often used by operators or in switchboard functions where the user would need to transfer a call to a non-agent phone. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-call_menu_qualify_enabled Call Menu Qualify Enabled This setting enables the option in Call Menus to put a SQL qualification on the people that hear that call menu. For more information on how that feature works, view the help for Call Menus. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-alt_ivr_logging Call Menu Alt DTMF Logging This setting enables the option in Call Menus to log the DTMF responses to an alternate database table. This can be used in addition to the default DTMF lead logging option. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-allow_ip_lists Allow IP Lists This setting allows the IP Lists admin section to be used, as well as the User Group options for web access whitelists and the System Settings option for a system-wide web blacklist. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-system_ip_blacklist System IP Blacklist If Allow IP Lists above are enabled, this option will allow you to set an IP List as a blacklist for IP addresses that are not able to access the web resources of this system. Default DISABLED.
settings-level_8_disable_add Level 8 Disable Add This setting if enabled will prevent any level 8 user from adding or copying any record in the system, no matter what their user settings are. Excluded from these restrictions are the ability to add DNC and Filter Phone Groups numbers and the Add a New Lead page. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-script_remove_js Script Text Remove JS This setting if enabled will remove any javascript that is included in the script text for a script. This is considered a security feature to prevent cross-site scripting, or XSS. Default is 1 for enabled.
settings-admin_list_counts Admin List Counts Link This setting gives you the option to display list counts by clicking on the -show lists leads counts- link at the top of the Lists listing and the Campaign modify screens. Default is 1 for enabled.
settings-allow_emails Allow Emails This is where you can set whether this system will be able to receive inbound emails in addition to phone calls.
settings-allow_chats Allow Chats This is where you can set whether this system will be able to receive incoming chats in addition to phone calls, as well as allow agent-to-agent and agent-to-manager chatting.
settings-chat_timeout Chat Timeout This is where you can set how long a customer chat can stay alive after the customer has navigated away from or closed their chat window. When the timeout is reached the chat is closed.
settings-chat_url Chat URL This is the location where you have placed the chat web pages for customer use.
settings-agent_push_events Agent Push Events This setting will enable the sending of events from agent screens to the URL defined below. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-agent_push_url Agent Push URL If Agent Push Events are enabled above, this is the URL that the events will be sent to. The variables that you can use within the URL are --A--user--B--, --A--event--B--, --A--message--B--, --A--lead_id--B--. Since this function uses AJAX, it must reference a local script on the web server. If you want to reference an external web address then you should use the get2post.php script that can be found in the extras directory.
settings-log_recording_access Log Recording Access This option if enabled allows the logging of user access to call recordings. It also requires the User setting Access Recordings to be set to 1 to allow a user to access call recordings. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-recording_buttons Recording Buttons Type This option allows you to choose the appearance of the recording buttons on the agent screen. START_STOP will show a START RECORDING button if the call is not recording and a STOP RECORDING button when the call is recording. The RECORDING option will show a red NOT RECORDING button if the call is not recording and a green RECORDING button when the call is recording. If NOGAP is part of the option, then the space below the recording button will be removed. If 2xHEIGHT is part of the option, then the recording button will be double the height. Default is START_STOP.
settings-mute_recordings Allow Mute Recordings This option if enabled allows you to enable the MUTE RECORDING button on the agent screen by campaign and-or user. This feature is only tested with systems running Asterisk 13. You should not mute recordings for more than 15 minutes at a time. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-enable_auto_reports Enable Automated Reports This option if enabled allows you access to the Automated Reports section where you can set up reports to run at scheduled times and be delivered by email or FTP. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-first_login_trigger First Login Trigger This setting allows for the initial configuration of the server screen to be shown to the administrator when they first log into the system.
settings-require_password_length User Password Minimum Length If set above 0, this setting will require that user passwords, phone and server passwords, and system settings default passwords be at least this minimum length of characters when those records settings are modified on the Modify pages. The most important factor in password security is the length of the password, and user passwords in this system can be up to 100 characters in length. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-default_phone_registration_password Default Phone Registration Password This is the default registration password used when new phones are added to the system. Default is test.
settings-default_phone_login_password Default Phone Login Password This is the default phone web login password used when new phones are added to the system. Default is test.
settings-default_server_password Default Server Password This is the default server password used when new servers are added to the system. Default is test.
settings-report_default_format Report Default Format Determines whether the reports will default to display in text or html format. Default is TEXT.
settings-slave_db_server Slave Database Server If you have a MySQL slave database server then enter the local IP address for that server here. This option is currently only used by the selected reports in the next option and has nothing to do with automatically configuring MySQL master-slave replication. Default is empty for disabled.
settings-reports_use_slave_db Reports to use Slave DB This option allows you to select the reports that you want to have use the MySQL slave database as defined in the option above instead of the master database that your live system is running on. You must set up the MySQL slave replication before you can enable this option. Default is empty for disabled.
settings-custom_reports_use_slave_db Custom Reports to use Slave DB This option allows you to select the custom reports that you want to have use the MySQL slave database as defined in the option above instead of the master database that your live system is running on. You must set up the MySQL slave replication before you can enable this option. Default is empty for disabled.
settings-default_field_labels Default Field Labels These 19 fields allow you to set the name as it will appear in the agent interface as well as the administrative modify lead page. Default is empty which will use the hard-coded defaults in the agent interface. You can also set a label to ---HIDE--- to hide both the label and the field. Another option for most fields is ---READONLY--- which will display but not allow an agent to modify the field. One more option for most fields is ---REQUIRED--- which will force an agent to populate that field on all calls before being able to hang up and disposition each call. For the REQUIRED option to work, the campaign must have Allow Required Fields enabled.
settings-admin_screen_colors Admin Screen Colors This feature allows you to set different color schemes and logo for the administrative web screens. These can be defined in the Screen Colors section. Default is default, for the standard blue screen colors
settings-agent_screen_colors Agent Screen Colors This feature allows you to set different color schemes and logo for the agent screen. These can be defined in the Screen Colors section. Default is default, for the standard blue screen colors
settings-agent_chat_screen_colors Agent Chat Screen Colors This feature allows you to set the different colors that are used for the users chatting within the internal chat window in the agent screen. These can be defined in the Screen Colors section, and only the five standard and three alternate colors are used. Default is default, for a standard set of eight colors
settings-label_hide_field_logs Hide Label in Call Logs If a label is set to ---HIDE--- then the agent call logs, if enabled on the campaign, will still show the field and data unless this option is set to Y. Default is N.
settings-qc_features_active QC Features Active This option allows you to enable or disable the QC or Quality Control features. Default is 0 for inactive.
settings-default_webphone Default Webphone If set to 1, this option will make all new phones created have Set As Webphone set to Y. Default is 0.
settings-webphone_systemkey Webphone System Key If your system or provider requires it, this is where the System Key for the webphone should be entered in. Default is empty.
settings-default_codecs Default Codecs You can define a comma delimited list of codecs to be set as the default codecs for all systems. Options for codecs include ulaw, alaw, gsm, g729, speex, g722, g723, g726, ilbc, opus, slin, g719,... Default is empty.
settings-custom_dialplan_entry Custom Dialplan Entry This field allows you to enter in any dialplan elements that you want for all of the asterisk servers, the lines will be added to the default context.
settings-reload_dialplan_on_servers Reload Dialplan On Servers This option allows you to force a reload of the dialplan on all Asterisk servers in the cluster. If you made changes in the Custom Dialplan Entry above you should set this to 1 and submit to have those changes go into effect on the servers.
settings-noanswer_log No-Answer Log This option will log the auto-dial calls that are not answered to a separate table. Default is N.
settings-did_agent_log DID Agent Log This option will log the inbound DID calls along with an in-group and user ID, if applicable, to a separate table. Default is N.
settings-alt_log_server_ip Alt-Log DB Server This is the alternate log database server. This is optional, and allows some logs to be written to a separate database. Default is empty.
settings-alt_log_dbname Alt-Log DB Name The database name for the Alt-Log database. Default is empty.
settings-alt_log_login Alt-Log DB Login The login user for the Alt-Log database. Default is empty.
settings-alt_log_pass Alt-Log DB Password The password for the Alt-Log database. Default is empty.
settings-tables_use_alt_log_db Alt-Log Tables These are the tables that are available for logging on the alternate log database server. Default is blank.
settings-enable_queuemetrics_logging Enable QueueMetrics Logging This setting allows you to define whether the system will insert log entries into the queue_log database table as Asterisk Queues activity does. QueueMetrics is a standalone, closed-source statistical analysis program. You must have QueueMetrics already installed and configured before enabling this feature. Default is 0.
settings-queuemetrics_server_ip QueueMetrics Server IP This is the IP address of the database for your QueueMetrics installation.
settings-queuemetrics_dbname QueueMetrics Database Name This is the database name for your QueueMetrics database.
settings-queuemetrics_login QueueMetrics Database Login This is the user name used to log in to your QueueMetrics database.
settings-queuemetrics_pass QueueMetrics Database Password This is the password used to log in to your QueueMetrics database.
settings-queuemetrics_url QueueMetrics URL This is the URL or web site address used to get to your QueueMetrics installation.
settings-queuemetrics_log_id QueueMetrics Log ID This is the server ID that all contact center logs going into the QueueMetrics database will use as an identifier for each record.
settings-queuemetrics_eq_prepend QueueMetrics EnterQueue Prepend This field is used to allow for prepending of one of the list data fields in front of the phone number of the customer for customized QueueMetrics reports. Default is NONE to not populate anything.
settings-queuemetrics_loginout QueueMetrics Login-Out This option affects how the system will log the logins and logouts of an agent in the queue_log. Default is STANDARD to use standard AGENTLOGIN AGENTLOGOFF, CALLBACK will use AGENTCALLBACKLOGIN and AGENTCALLBACKLOGOFF that QM will parse differently, NONE will not log any logins and logouts within queue_log.
settings-queuemetrics_callstatus QueueMetrics CallStatus This option if set to 0 will not put in the CALLSTATUS entry into queue_log when an agent dispositions a call. Default is 1 for enabled.
settings-queuemetrics_addmember_enabled QueueMetrics Addmember Enabled This option if set to 1 will generate ADDMEMBER2 and REMOVEMEMBER entries in queue_log. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-queuemetrics_dispo_pause QueueMetrics Dispo Pause Code This option, if populated, allows you to define whether a dispo pause code is entered into queue_log when an agent is in dispo status. Default is empty for disabled.
settings-queuemetrics_pause_type QueueMetrics Pause Type Logging If enabled, this option will log the type of pause in the queue_log table data5 field. You must make sure that you have a data5 field or enabling this feature will break QM compatibility. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-queuemetrics_pe_phone_append QueueMetrics Phone Environment Phone Append This option, if enabled, will append the agent phone login to the data4 record in the queue log table if the Campaign Phone Environment field is populated. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-queuemetrics_record_hold QueueMetrics Hold Call Log This option, if enabled, will log when a customer is put on hold and taken off hold in the newer record_tags QM table. Default is 0 for disabled.
settings-queuemetrics_socket QueueMetrics Socket Send This option, if enabled, will send QM data to a web page that will send it through a socket for logging. The CONNECT_COMPLETE option will send CONNECT, COMPLETEAGENT and COMPLETECALLER events to the url defined below. Default is NONE for disabled.
settings-queuemetrics_socket_url QueueMetrics Socket Send URL If Socket Send is enabled above, this is the URL that is used to send the data to. Default is EMPTY for disabled.
settings-enable_vtiger_integration Enable Vtiger Integration This setting allows you to enable Vtiger integration with the system. Currently links to Vtiger admin and search as well as user replication are the only integration features available. Default is 0.
settings-vtiger_server_ip Vtiger DB Server IP This is the IP address of the database for your Vtiger installation.
settings-vtiger_dbname Vtiger Database Name This is the database name for your Vtiger database.
settings-vtiger_login Vtiger Database Login This is the user name used to log in to your Vtiger database.
settings-vtiger_pass Vtiger Database Password This is the password used to log in to your Vtiger database.
settings-vtiger_url Vtiger URL This is the URL or web site address used to get to your Vtiger installation.
settings-webphone_url Webphone URL The URL of the web phone inteface.
system_statuses System Statuses Through the use of system statuses, you can have statuses that exist for all campaigns and in-groups. The status must be 1-6 characters in length, the description must be 2-30 characters in length and Selectable defines whether it shows up in the system as an agent disposition. The human_answered field is used when calculating the drop percentage, or abandon rate. Setting human_answered to Y will use this status when counting the human-answered calls. The Category option allows you to group several statuses into a category that can be used for statistical analysis. There are also 7 additional settings that will define the kind of status: sale, dnc, customer contact, not interested, unworkable, scheduled callback, completed. The MIN SEC and MAX SEC fields for each status will determine whether an agent can select that status at the end of their call based upon the length of the call. If the call is 10 seconds and the MIN SEC for a status is set to 20 seconds, then the agent will not be able to select that status. Also, if a call is 40 seconds and the MAX SEC for a status is set to 30 seconds, then the agent will not be able to select that status.
admin_phones_bulk_insert-login_password Login Password This is the agent screen login password that will be used for all of the phones that are created.
admin_phones_bulk_insert-create_alias Create Alias Entries Setting this option to YES will create a phones alias entry for each of the extensions listed above that will tie all of the same extension entries on each server together allowing phone login load balancing to work in the agent interface.
admin_phones_bulk_insert-alias_suffix Alias Suffix This is the suffix that will be added to the extension to form the phone alias id. For example, if the extension is cc100 and the alias suffix is x, then the phone alias id used for that would be cc100x.
admin_phones_bulk_insert-protocol Client Protocol This is the phone protocol that will be used for all phones created when submitted. SIP and IAX2 are VOIP protocols that will create conf file entries to allow those phoens to register on the servers.
status_groups Status Groups Through the use of status groups, you can have statuses that exist for lists or in-groups specifically. The Status must be 1-6 characters in length, the description must be 2-30 characters in length and Selectable defines whether it shows up in the system as an agent disposition. The human_answered field is used when calculating the drop percentage, or abandon rate. Setting human_answered to Y will use this status when counting the human-answered calls. The Category option allows you to group several statuses into a category that can be used for statistical analysis. There are also 7 additional settings that will define the kind of status: sale, dnc, customer contact, not interested, unworkable, scheduled callback, completed. The MIN SEC and MAX SEC fields for each status will determine whether an agent can select that status at the end of their call based upon the length of the call. If the call is 10 seconds and the MIN SEC for a status is set to 20 seconds, then the agent will not be able to select that status. Also, if a call is 40 seconds and the MAX SEC for a status is set to 30 seconds, then the agent will not be able to select that status. The Status Group ID field must be between 2 and 20 characters in length, must not match a current campaign ID, and cannot contain spaces or other special characters.
inbound_groups-populate_lead_vendor Populate Lead Vendor If this option is not DISABLED, and the inbound call was not delivered with a VID option, then the system will put the value entered in this setting into the vendor_lead_code field when a new lead is inserted. Special options include INBOUND_NUMBER which will use the inbound phone number dialed. Default is INBOUND_NUMBER.
screen_labels Screen labels give you the option of setting different labels for the default agent screen fields on a per campaign basis. Screen labels give you the option of setting different labels for the default agent screen fields on a per campaign basis.
screen_labels-label_id Screen Label ID This field needs to be at least 2 characters in length and no more than 20 characters in length, no spaces or special characters. This is the ID that will be used to identify the screen label throughout the system.
screen_labels-label_name Screen Label Name This is the descriptive name of the screen label entry.
screen_labels-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
screen_labels-label_hide_field_logs Hide Label in Call Logs If a label is set to ---HIDE--- then the agent call logs, if enabled on the campaign, will still show the field and data unless this option is set to Y. Default is N.
screen_labels-default_field_labels Default Field Labels These 19 fields allow you to set the name as it will appear in the agent interface as well as the administrative modify lead page. Default is empty which will use the hard-coded defaults in the agent interface. You can also set a label to ---HIDE--- to hide both the label and the field. Another option for most fields is ---READONLY--- which will display but not allow an agent to modify the field. One more option for most fields is ---REQUIRED--- which will force an agent to populate that field on all calls before being able to hang up and disposition each call. For the REQUIRED option to work, the campaign must have Allow Required Fields enabled.
screen_labels-active Active Set whether the screen label is active or not.
screen_colors Screen colors give you the option of setting a different color scheme and logo for the web interface in the System Settings. Screen colors give you the option of setting a different color scheme and logo for the web interface in the System Settings.
screen_colors-colors_id Screen Colors ID This field needs to be at least 2 characters in length and no more than 20 characters in length, no spaces or special characters. This is the ID that will be used to identify the screen colors in the system.
screen_colors-colors_name Screen Colors Name This is the descriptive name of the screen colors entry.
screen_colors-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
screen_colors-menu_background Menu Background This is where you set the hex color value for the sidebar menu background. It must be a darker color since white text will be displayed on top of it. Default is 015B91.
screen_colors-frame_background Frame Background This is where you set the hex color value for the frame main background. It must be a light color since black text will be displayed on top of it. Default is D9E6FE.
screen_colors-std_row_background Standard Row Backgrounds This is where you set the hex color values for the several standard row backgrounds. They should be lighter colors since black text will be displayed on top of them. These are often used to make different sections stand apart or as alternating colors for rows. Defaults are 9BB9FB, B9CBFD, 8EBCFD, B6D3FC, A3C3D6. The Standard Row 5 Background is used in the Agent screen for the background color behind the logo after the agent has logged in.
screen_colors-alt_row_background Alternate Row Backgrounds This is where you set the hex color values for the several alternate row backgrounds. They should be lighter colors since black text will be displayed on top of them. These are used to differentiate sections from the Standard backgrounds defined above. Defaults are BDFFBD, 99FF99, CCFFCC.
screen_colors-web_logo Web Logo This is where you can select a custom image file for your logo. The standard size for a logo image is 170 pixels wide and 45 pixels high. We suggest using the PNG format, but GIF and JPG will work as well. To have a custom logo image show up in this list, it needs to be uploaded to your webserver in the images directory, and the filename needs to begin with vicidial_admin_web_logo. For example, if you upload the image file vicidial_admin_web_logoSAMPLE.png, it will show up in the select list as SAMPLE.png. Default is default_new for the new PNG logo image file.
screen_colors-active Active Set whether the screen color set is active or not.
settings_containers Settings Containers allow for an easy way to add, modify and delete large configurations of settings, or for elements like email templates to be used by PHP and Perl scripts within the codebase. Settings Containers allow for an easy way to add, modify and delete large configurations of settings, or for elements like email templates to be used by PHP and Perl scripts within the codebase.
settings_containers-container_id Container ID This field needs to be at least 2 characters in length and no more than 40 characters in length, no spaces or special characters. This is the ID that will be used to identify the Settings Container throughout the system.
settings_containers-container_notes Container Notes This is the descriptive name of the Settings Container entry.
settings_containers-container_type Container Type This is the type of Container entry. This is used primarily for categorization and to show only certain containers in certain places. There is also a special container type -READ_ONLY- that is used and updated by external processes that cannot have the container entry modified within the admin screens. Default is OTHER.
settings_containers-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this record.
settings_containers-container_entry Container Entry This is where you put the contents of the settings that you want in this container.
auto_reports Automated Reports allow for a simplified way of configuring reports to be run on a scheduled and recurring basis, and to have the results sent by email or uploaded to an FTP server. Automated Reports allow for a simplified way of configuring reports to be run on a scheduled and recurring basis, and to have the results sent by email or uploaded to an FTP server.
auto_reports-report_id Report ID This field needs to be at least 2 characters in length and no more than 30 characters in length, no spaces or special characters. This is the ID that will be used to identify the Automated Report throughout the system.
auto_reports-report_name Report Name This is the descriptive name of the Automated Report entry.
auto_reports-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user with Modify Automated Reports permissions to view this record.
auto_reports-report_last_run Last Run Time This is the date and time of the last run of this automated report process. Also included is the number of seconds it took for this process to run the last time.
auto_reports-report_server Report Server This is the machine that you want to use to run this automated report. You must choose a server that runs the keepalive process every minute in the crontab. The default is to use the active voicemail server as defined in System Settings.
auto_reports-report_times Report Times This is the list of times in HHMM format when you want the automated report to run. You can specify multiple times by separating them with a dash, like how the List Reset Times feature works.
auto_reports-report_weekdays Report Weekdays This is the list of days of the week when you want the automated report to run. Either this option or the Month Days field below must be set for the report to run automatically.
auto_reports-report_monthdays Report Month Days This is the list of days of the month in DD format when you want the automated report to run. You can specify multiple month days by separating them with a dash. Either this option or the Weekdays field above must be set for the report to run automatically.
auto_reports-report_destination Report Destination This option will determine how you want the automated report to be delivered, by EMAIL or FTP. Depending on the destination you choose, you must fill in the configuration fields below for it to work properly. Default is EMAIL.
auto_reports-email_from Email From If the EMAIL destination is chosen above, then this field must be filled in with the email address that you want the automated report email to come from. Note: some email servers may require certain registered email address to be used for delivery to be accepted by them. You may also have to set up a reverse domain name lookup with your network provider for the server you have chosen to send emails from.
auto_reports-email_to Email To If the EMAIL destination is chosen above, then this field must be filled in with the email address that you want to receive the automated report email. You can define more than one email address by separating them with a colon.
auto_reports-email_subject Email Subject If the EMAIL destination is chosen above, then this field must be filled in with the subject of the email. As an option, you can use the --A--date--B-- or --A--datetime--B-- flag in this field to populate the current date or date-time.
auto_reports-ftp_server FTP Server If the FTP destination is chosen above, then this field must be filled in with the FTP server address. Note: this works only for standard FTP servers, not SFTP or FTP over SSL.
auto_reports-ftp_user FTP User If the FTP destination is chosen above, then this field must be filled in with the FTP login user.
auto_reports-ftp_pass FTP Pass If the FTP destination is chosen above, then this field must be filled in with the FTP login password.
auto_reports-ftp_directory FTP Directory If the FTP destination is chosen above, then this field can be filled in with the FTP folder directory that you want the automated reports to be uploaded into. Note: the folder must already exist, this process will not try to create the folder.
auto_reports-filename_override Filename Override By default, the reports will be saved as files and either emailed or sent by FTP to the selected destination, and the filenames used for those files are automatically generated with unique generic names based upon the report ID. If you would like to override those unique generic names, you can do so by using this field. You can also use the variables shown below in the Report URL field so that you can put dates into the filename. You can also use --A--filedatetime--B-- as a variable to note the date and time the report was generated, which is useful if you will be running a report more than once a day. Only letters, numbers dashes and underscore characters are allowed in this field. Also, you should not include a file extension as part of the filename override, since the type of report will dictate the file extension that is used. Default is empty for disabled.
auto_reports-active Active The automated report will only run on the set schedule above if active is set to Y. Default is N.
auto_reports-run_now_trigger Run Now Trigger This option offers a way to test this automated report process before setting it to active. It can take up to one minute for the process to start running after submitting this page with this field set to Y. Default is N.
auto_reports-report_url Report URL This is the field where you will put the full web address, or URL, for the report that you want to run. The easiest way to figure out what address to use is to run the report normally, then go to the Reports, Admin Utilities, Admin Report Log Viewer to see the full URL that was used to run that report. Once you have copied that URL, you can replace the dates that you see with one of these variables in the standard format that is used within this system, for example, --A--today--B--. You can use: today, yesterday, 6days, 7days, 8days, 13days, 14days, 15days, 30days. Note: some networks may require that you use a local server address in this URL if that is the only way that a server on your network can access the webserver used for reporting. Related to this, you may also have to use a local IP address if a full domain name is not accessible from within your system network. Also, it is recommended that you run reports in TEXT format for best display results.
ip_lists IP Lists The purpose of this feature is to allow an administrator the ability to restrict who can use the system web resources on an IP Address basis. This is designed to allow you to create IP Lists and then assign those IP Lists on a per-User-Group basis separated as Admin, Agent and API permissions. For example, you can set the IP List for Agent web access to DISABLED to allow anyone in the User Group to log in as an agent from any location, this is the default behavior. You can then set an IP List with one IP Address in it so within that same User Group, managers will only be able to log in to the admin web screens from that one location. You can also set an IP List with no entries in it for the API access IP List to not allow any user in that User Group to use the APIs.
This IP whitelisting authentication is designed to happen after user authentication in order to allow a specific user to be set to ignore the IP List blocking feature, as well as to be able to have the IP List feature work on a per-User-Group basis.
There is also a System-wide Blacklist option that allows you to specify an IP List to use to block all web service access to all users coming from the IP Addresses listed in the system settings blacklist IP List.
In order to use any of these features, the System Settings option Allow IP Lists must be enabled on your system. Then you will see the IP Lists Admin section appear in the Admin menu.
ip_lists-ip_list_id IP List ID This field needs to be at least 2 characters in length and no more than 30 characters in length, no spaces or special characters. This is the ID that will be used to identify the IP List throughout the system.
ip_lists-ip_list_name IP List Name This is the descriptive name of the IP List entry.
ip_lists-user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this record, this allows admin viewing of this record restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user with Modify IP Lists permissions to view this record.
ip_lists-active Active The IP List will only be able to be enabled for a user group if active is set to Y. Default is N.
ip_lists-ip_address IP Addresses This is the list of IP Addresses within this IP List. Only one IP Address per line is allowed. If you want to use IP whitelisting for agent access and you are using Dispo Call URL features like the dispo_move_list.php script, you will need to remember to include the IP Addresses of the web server in your IP List, because Dispo Call URL actions are run from the webserver.
users-pause_code_approval Manager Pause Code Approval If a campaign pause code is set to require manager approval, the manager that approves the agent pause code selection must have this setting set to 1. Default is 0.
users-modify_ip_lists Modify IP Lists If IP Lists are enabled on your system, this setting will allow this administrative user the ability to modify the IP Lists. Default is 0.
users-ignore_ip_lists Ignore IP Lists If IP Lists are enabled on your system, this setting will allow this user to ignore the IP Lists settings when accessing the system. Default is 0.
status_categories System Status Categories Through the use of system status categories, you can group together statuses to allow for statistical analysis on a group of statuses. The Category ID must be 2-20 characters in length with no spaces, the name must be 2-50 characters in length, the description is optional and TimeonVDAD Display defines whether that status will be one of the upto 4 statuses that can be calculated and displayed on the Time On VDAD Real-Time report. The Sale Category and Dead Lead Category are both used by the List Suggestion system when analyzing list statistics.
admin_phones_bulk_insert-registration_password Registration Password This is the registration password that will be used for all of the phones that are created. For SIP and IAX2 protocol you should use a complex password for secutiry reasons.
email_accounts Email Accounts The Email Accounts management section allows you to create, copy, and delete email account settings that will allow you to have email messages come into your system and be treated as if they were phone calls to agents. EMAIL ACCOUNTS MUST BE SET UP BY YOU AND AN EMAIL SERVICE PROVIDER - THAT IS NOT COVERED BY THIS MODULE.
email_accounts-email_account_id Email Account ID This is the short name of the email account, it is not editable after initial submission, must not contain any spaces and must be between 2 and 20 characters in length.
email_accounts-email_account_name Email Account Name This is the full name of the email account, it must be between 2 and 30 characters in length.
email_accounts-email_account_active Active This determines whether this account will be checked for new email messages to be loaded into the dialer.
email_accounts-email_account_description Email Account Description This allows for a lengthy description, if needed, of the email account. 255 characters max.
email_accounts-email_account_type Email Account Type Specifies whether the account is used for inbound or outbound email messages. Should be set to INBOUND.
email_accounts-admin_user_group Admin User Group This is the administrative user group for this inbound group, this allows admin viewing of this in-group restricted by user group. Default is --ALL-- which allows any admin user to view this in-group.
email_accounts-protocol Email Account Protocol This is the email protocol used by the account you are setting up access to. Currently only IMAP and POP3 accounts are supported.
email_accounts-email_replyto_address Email Reply-to Address The email address of the account you are setting up access to. Replies to email messages from the agent interface will read as coming from this address.
email_accounts-email_account_server Email Account Server The email server that the account is housed on.
email_accounts-email_account_user Email Account User The login used to access this account. Usually its the portion of the reply-to address before the -at- symbol.
email_accounts-pop3_auth_mode Auth Mode for POP3 protocol only The authorization mode to use when POP3 is the mail protocol on the email account. BEST is the default. It will use APOP if the server appears to support it and it can be used to successfully log on, then try similarly with CRAM-MD5, and finally PASS. APOP and CRAM-MD5 imply that an MD5 checksum will be used instead of sending your password in cleartext. However, if the server does not claim to support APOP or CRAM-MD5, the cleartext method will be used. Be careful. There are a few servers that will send a timestamp in the banner greeting, but APOP will not work with them, for instance if the server does not know your password in cleartext. If you think your authentication information is correct, you may have to use PASS for that server. The same applies to CRAM-MD5.
email_accounts-email_account_pass Email Account Password The password used to access this account. This is usually set at the time the email account is created.
email_accounts-email_frequency_check_mins Email Frequency Check Rate (mins) How often this email account should be checked. The highest rate of frequency at the moment is five minutes, some email providers will not allow more than three login attempts in fifteen minutes before locking the account for an indeterminate amount of time.
email_accounts-in_group In-Group ID The In-Group that email messages will be sent to.
email_accounts-default_list_id Default List ID The List ID that leads will be inserted into if necessary.
email_accounts-call_handle_method In-Group Call Handle Method This is the action that will be taken when a new email is found in the account. EMAIL means all email messages will be inserted into the list table as a new lead. EMAILLOOKUP will search the entire list table for the email address in the email column - if the lead is found, that lead list ID will be used in the record that goes into the email_list table. EMAILLOOKUPRC does the same, but it will only search lists belonging to the campaign selected in the In-Group Campaign ID box below. EMAILLOOKUPRL will only search one particular list, which is the one entered into the In-Group List ID box below.
email_accounts-agent_search_method In-Group Agent Search Method The agent search method to be used by the inbound group, LO is Load-Balanced-Overflow and will try to send the call to an agent on the local server before trying to send it to an agent on another server, LB is Load-Balanced and will try to send the call to the next agent no matter what server they are on, SO is Server-Only and will only try to send the calls to agents on the server that the call came in on. Default is LB. NOT USED
email_accounts-ingroup_list_id In-Group List ID This is the List ID that will be used to search for a match within.
email_accounts-ingroup_campaign_id In-Group Campaign ID This is the Campaign ID that will be used to search for a match within.
template_maker The custom template maker allows you to define your own file layouts for use with the list loader and also delete them, if necessary. If you frequently upload files that are in a consistent layout other than the standard layout, you may find this tool helpful. The saved layout will work on any uploaded file it matches, regardless of file type or delimiter. The custom template maker allows you to define your own file layouts for use with the list loader and also delete them, if necessary. If you frequently upload files that are in a consistent layout other than the standard layout, you may find this tool helpful. The saved layout will work on any uploaded file it matches, regardless of file type or delimiter.
template_maker-create_template Create a new template In order to begin creating your new listloader template, you must first load a lead file that has the layout you wish to create the template for. Click Choose file, and open the file on your computer you wish to use. This will upload a copy to your server and process it to determine the file type and delimiter (for TXT files).
vicidial_template_maker Listloader Custom Template Maker Create your own file loading template with this tool. Useful when you load files in a consistent format or layout other than the vicidial standard format, as it allows you to predefine field locations in lead files to bypass the steps to assign them otherwise
template_maker-delete_template Delete template If you have a template you no longer use or you mis-entered information on it and would like to re-enter it, select the template from the drop-down menu and click DELETE TEMPLATE.
template_maker-template_id Template ID This field is where you enter an arbitrary ID for your new custom template. It must be between 2 and 20 characters and consist of alphanumeric characters and underscores.
template_maker-template_name Template Name This field is where you enter the name for your new custom template. Can be up to 30 characters long.
template_maker-template_description Template Description This field is where you enter the description for your new custom template. It can be up to 255 characters long.
template_maker-list_id List ID All templates must load their records into a list. Select a list ID to load leads into from this drop-down list, which will display any lists available to you given your user settings.
template_maker-assign_columns Assigning columns Once you have loaded a sample lead file matching the layout you want to make into a template and select a list ID to load leads into, all of the available columns from the list table and the custom table for the list you selected (if any) will be displayed here. Columns highlighted in blue are standard columns from the list table. Columns highlighted in pink belong to the custom table for the selected list. Each column listed has a drop-down menu, which should be populated with the fields from the first row of the sample lead file you uploaded. Assign the appropriate fields to the appropriate columns and press SUBMIT TEMPLATE to create your template. You do not need to assign every field to a column, and you do not need to assign every column a field. For details on the standard list columns, click HERE.
max_stats Maximum System Stats These statistics are cached totals that are stored throughout each day in real-time through back-end processes. For inbound calls, the total calls per in-group are calculated for each call that enters the process that calculates. For the whole system counts, the totals are generated from log entries as well as other in-group and campaign totals. These totals may not add up due to the settings that you have in your system as well as when the call is hung up.
qc_status_codes The Quality Control QC function has its own set of status codes separate from those within the call handling functions of the system. QC status codes must be between 2 and 8 characters in length and contain no special characters like a space or colon. The QC status code description must be between 2 and 30 characters in length. For these functions to work, you must have QC enabled in the System Settings.
agent_time_detail Agent Time Detail In this report you can view how much time agents spent on what.
TIME CLOCK = Time the agent been logged in to the time clock.
AGENT TIME = Total time on the system (WAIT + TALK + DISPO + PAUSE).
WAIT = Time the agent waits for a call.
TALK = Time the agent talks to a customer or is in dead state (DEAD + CUSTOMER).
DISPO = Time the agent uses at the disposition screen (where the agent picks NI, SALE etc).
PAUSE = Time the agent is in pause mode (LOGIN + LAGGED + ...).
DEAD = Time the agent is in a call after the customer has hung up.
CUSTOMER = Time the agent is in a live call with a customer.
CONNECTED = Time the agent is waiting for a live call plus time in a live call with a customer.
- The next table is pause codes and their time.
LOGIN = The pause code when going from login directly to pause.
LAGGED = The time the agent had some network problem or similar.
ANDIAL = This pause code triggers if the agent been on dispo screen for longer than 1000 seconds.
and empty is undefined pause code.
agent_status_detail Agent Status Detail In this report you can view what and how many statuses has been selected by the agents.
CALLS = Total number of calls sent to the user.
CIcalls = Total number of call where there was a Human Answer which is set under Admin -> System Statuses.
DNC/CI% = How much in percent DNC (Do Not Call) per Human Answers.
And the rest is just System Statuses that the agent picked and how many, to find out what they means then head over to Admin -> System Statuses.
agent_performance_detail Agent Performance Detail This is a combination of Agent Time Detail and Agent Status Detail.
(Statistics related to handling of calls only. What this means is that the top section will only include time involving a phone call. If an agent clicks to go active, then pauses, then goes active again without taking a call, that time will not be included in the top section of this report.)
CALLS = Total number of calls sent to the user.
TIME = Total time of these (PAUSE + WAIT + TALK + DISPO).
PAUSE = Amount of time being paused in related to call handling.
AVG means Average so everything -AVG is for example amount of PAUSE-time divided by total number of calls: (PAUSE / CALLS = PAUSAVG)
WAIT = Time the agent waits for a call.
TALK = Time the agent talks to a customer or is in dead state (DEAD + CUSTOMER).
DISPO = Time the agent uses at the disposition screen (where the agent picks NI, SALE etc).
DEAD = Time the agent is in a call after the customer has hung up.
CUSTOMER = Time the agent is in a live call with a customer.
And the rest is just System Statuses that the agent picked and how many, to find out what they means then head over to Admin -> System Statuses.
- Next table is Pause Codes.
LOGIN TIME = Total time on the system (WAIT + TALK + DISPO + PAUSE).
NONPAUSE = Everything except pause (WAIT + TALK + DISPO).
PAUSE = Only Pause.
- The last table is pause codes and their time (like Agent Time Detail).
LOGIN = The pause code when going from login directly to pause.
LAGGED = The time the agent had some network problem or similar.
ANDIAL = This pause code triggers if the agent been on dispo screen for longer than 1000 seconds.
and empty is undefined pause code.
team_performance_detail Team Performance Detail This report contains some of the same information as the Agent Time Detail report, as well as several new fields. Also, the users are grouped together within their User Groups, and there is a User Group summary at the bottom of the results.
CALLS = Total number of calls sent to the user.
LEADS = Total number of unique leads the user handled.
CONTACTS = Total number of calls the user handled that were statused in a Customer Contact status.
CONTACT RATIO = Percent of calls where a customer was contacted.
NONPAUSE = Everything except pause (WAIT + TALK + DISPO).
TIME = Total time of these (PAUSE + WAIT + TALK + DISPO).
TALK = Time the agent talks to a customer minus DEAD time.
SALES = Total number of calls the user handled where the SALE status flag is set to Y.
SALES PER WORKING HOUR = Total number of sales divided by system time.
SALES TO LEADS RATIO = Total number of sales divided by leads handled.
SALES TO CONTACTS RATIO = Total number of sales divided by contacts.
SALES PER HOUR = Total number of sales divided by talk time.
INCOMPLETE SALES = Total number of calls statused as QCFAIL.
CANCELLED SALES = Total number of calls statused as QCCANC.
CALLBACKS = Total number of active or live callbacks for this user in the system.
FIRST CALL RESOLUTION = Total number of calls handled divided by leads handled.
AVERAGE SALE TIME = Total number of sales divided by the talk time for those sales calls.
AVERAGE CONTACT TIME = Total number of contacts divided by the talk time for those contact calls.
performance_comparison_report Performance Comparison Report This report contains some of the same information as the Team Performance Detail report, and the results for today and yesterday as well as the last 2, 3, 5, 10 and 30 days.
CALLS = Total number of calls sent to the user.
SALES = Total number of calls the user handled where the SALE status flag is set to Y.
SALES CONVERSION PCT = Total number of sales divided by calls handled.
SALES PER HOUR = Total number of sales divided by system time.
TIME = Total time of these (PAUSE + WAIT + TALK + DISPO).
single_agent_daily Single Agent Daily This report contains most of the same information as the Agent Status Detail report, except for only one agent across a range of days.
CALLS = Total number of calls sent to the user.
CI CALLS = Total number of calls the user handled that were statused in a Customer Contact status.
DNC CI PCT = Total number of DNC statused calls divided by the number of Customer Contact calls.
SALES PER HOUR = Total number of calls the user handled where the SALE status flag is set to Y, divided by system time.
(the rest of the fields are the statuses that the agent selected)
single_agent_time Single Agent Daily Time This report is similar to the Agent Time Detail report, except for only one agent across a range of days.
PAUSE = Amount of time for the agent being paused.
WAIT = Time the agent waits for a call.
TALK = Time the agent talks to a customer or is in dead state (DEAD + CUSTOMER).
DISPO = Time the agent uses at the disposition screen (where the agent picks NI, SALE etc).
DEAD = Time the agent is in a call after the customer has hung up.
CUSTOMER = Time the agent is in a live call with a customer.
TOTAL = Total time of these (PAUSE + WAIT + TALK + DISPO).
usergroup_login User Group Login Report This report includes information on all of the users within a user group related to agent screen activity.
FIRST LOGIN DATE = The earliest date this user logged in to the agent screen.
LAST LOGIN DATE = The most recent date this user logged in to the agent screen.
CAMPAIGN = The most recent campaign this user was logged in to.
SERVER IP = The most recent server this user logged in to.
COMPUTER IP = The most recent computer this user used to log in to the agent screen.
EXTENSION = The most recent phone this user used to log in to the agent screen.
BROWSER = The most recent web browser version this user used to log in to the agent screen.
PHONE LOGIN = The most recent phone login this user used to log in to the agent screen.
SERVER PHONE = The most recent server phone account this user was logged in through.
PHONE IP = The IP address of the phone during the most recent agent screen session.
agent_timeclock_detail User Timeclock Detail Report Pulls all timeclock records for agents meeting the selected parameters.
TIME CLOCK = Total amount of time agent spent logged in.
TIME CLOCK PUNCHES = A list of the punch-in and punch-out times for each agent. Punch-out times marked with an asterisk (*) denotes AUTOLOGOUT from timeclock.
campaign_status_list_report Campaign Status List Report This report is designed to show the breakdown by list_id of the calls and their statuses for all lists within a campaign for a set time period.
DISPOSITION = The distinct dispositions made for the list within the time frame specified.
CALLS = The number of calls ending with the disposition listed.
DURATION = Sum of the length of the calls ending with the disposition listed.
HANDLE TIME = Sum of the time the calls ending with the disposition listed were handled by an agent (TALK + DEAD).
TOTAL CALLS = Number of calls placed to leads belonging to lists in this campaign within the time frame specified.
STATUS FLAGS BREAKDOWN = Breakdown of the total calls into status categories, including counts per category and percentage relative to the number of calls to leads in the list within the time frame specified.
source_vlc_status_report Outbound Lead Source Report This report is designed to show the breakdown by either vendor_lead_code or source_id, choice of the user, of the calls and their statuses for all lists within a campaign for a set time period
CLOSER_service_level Inbound Service Level Report This report is designed to give a daily breakdown of the number of calls, holds, and drop within the specified date range for the selected inbound group.
DROPS = The number of dropped calls to the inbound group within the time frame specified for that time interval.
DROP % = The percentage of calls ending in DROPS.
AVG DROP(S) = Average length in seconds of the calls ending in DROPS.
HOLDS = The number of calls to the inbound group that were held in queue for that time interval.
HOLD % = The percentage of calls that went to queue relative to the total calls.
AVG HOLD(S) HOLD = Average length in seconds of the queue time for only the calls in queue.
AVG HOLD(S) TOTAL = Average length in seconds of the queue time for ALL calls for the time interval.
CALLS = Number of calls received by the ingroup within the time interval.
TOTAL CALLTIME MIN:SEC = Total length of all calls received.
AVG CALLTIME SECONDS = Average length of all calls received.
CLOSERstats Inbound Report (by DID) This report is designed to give several different statistical breakdowns of calls received within the specified time frame, by either ingroup or by DID (refer to the title of the report).
CALLS = The number of calls to the inbound groups or DIDs within the time frame specified for that time interval.
DROPS = The number of dropped calls to the inbound groups or DIDs within the time frame specified for that time interval.
DROP % = The percentage of calls ending in DROPS.
IVR = The number of calls to the inbound group or DID that went to an IVR within the time frame specified for that time interval.
HANGUP REASON = The reason the call terminated.
HOLDS = The number of calls terminated from the aforementioned reason.
STATUS = The call disposition.
DESCRIPTION = A description of the call disposition.
CATEGORY = The call category that the disposition currently belongs to.
CALLS = The number of calls taken by the ingroups or DIDs that were dispositioned as the listed disposition.
TOTAL TIME = The total amount of time that was spent on calls that ended as the listed disposition.
AVG TIME = The average amount of time that was spent on calls that ended as the listed disposition.
CALLS /HOUR = The number of calls per hour to the ingroups or DIDs that ended as the listed disposition.
CATEGORY = The custom call category that a call was dispositioned under the selected report parameters.
CALLS = The number of calls dispositioned under the custom status category.
DESCRIPTION = A description of the custom call category.
AGENT = The agent who received a call to the specified inbound groups or DIDs.
CALLS = The number of calls fielded by the agent.
DESCRIPTION = The total time the agent spent in calls to the specified inbound groups or DIDs.
DESCRIPTION = The average time the agent spent in calls to the specified inbound groups or DIDs.
CLOSERstats_v2 Inbound Report (by DID), v2 This report is designed to give several different statistical breakdowns of calls received within the specified time frame, by either ingroup or by DID (refer to the title of the report).
CALLS = The number of calls to the inbound groups or DIDs within the time frame specified for that time interval.
DROPS = The number of dropped calls to the inbound groups or DIDs within the time frame specified for that time interval.
DROP % = The percentage of calls ending in DROPS.
IVR = The number of calls to the inbound group or DID that went to an IVR within the time frame specified for that time interval.
HANGUP REASON = The reason the call terminated.
HOLDS = The number of calls terminated from the aforementioned reason.
STATUS = The call disposition.
DESCRIPTION = A description of the call disposition.
CATEGORY = The call category that the disposition currently belongs to.
CALLS = The number of calls taken by the ingroups or DIDs that were dispositioned as the listed disposition.
TOTAL TIME = The total amount of time that was spent on calls that ended as the listed disposition.
AVG TIME = The average amount of time that was spent on calls that ended as the listed disposition.
CALLS /HOUR = The number of calls per hour to the ingroups or DIDs that ended as the listed disposition.
CATEGORY = The custom call category that a call was dispositioned under the selected report parameters.
CALLS = The number of calls dispositioned under the custom status category.
DESCRIPTION = A description of the custom call category.
AGENT = The agent who received a call to the specified inbound groups or DIDs.
CALLS = The number of calls fielded by the agent.
TIME H:M:S = The total time the agent spent in calls to the specified inbound groups or DIDs.
AVERAGE = The average time the agent spent in calls to the specified inbound groups or DIDs.
CLOSERsummary_hourly Inbound Summary Hourly Report This report is designed to give several different statistical breakdowns of calls received within the specified time frame, by either ingroup or by DID (refer to the title of the report).
TOTAL CALLS = Total calls taken by the in-group.
TOTAL ANSWER = Total calls answered by the in-group.
TOTAL TALK = Total amount of time spent in calls answered by the in-group.
AVERAGE TALK = Average amount of time spent in calls answered by the in-group.
TOTAL QUEUE TIME = Total amount of time calls handled by the in-group spent in queue.
TOTAL QUEUE TIME = Average amount of time calls handled by the in-group spent in queue.
MAXIMUM QUEUE TIME = The longest amount of time any single call handled by the in-group spent in queue.
TOTAL ABANDON CALLS = The number of calls to the in-group that were unanswered and abandoned by the caller.
dialer_inventory_report Dialer Inventory Report This report gives statistical information, including a status breakdown, of a single list or all lists in a single campaign.
Start Inv = Total leads currently in list.
Call Inv Total = Total leads currently dialable in list based on the campaign settings it belongs to.
Call Inv No filtr = Total leads currently dialable in list based on the campaign settings EXCLUDING any filters.
Call Inv One-off = Total leads currently dialable in list based on the campaign settings that are at least one dial attempt below the call count limit.
Call Inv Inactive = Total leads currently in list that belong to INCOMPLETE statuses that are NOT currently selected as dialable for the campaign.
Dial Avg = Total calls made on the list divided by the Start Inv of that list.
Pen. pct = Percentage of leads in the list that are no longer dialable, Start Inv - Call Inv Total divided-by Start Inv.
DIDstats Inbound DID Report This report breaks down activity for a DID or a list of DIDs over a given time interval.
ROUTE = Where the DID is currently directed when a call reaches it.
CALLS = Number of calls the DIDs/servers/time frames (depending on which sub-report you are viewing) received during the specific date range.
agentDIDstats Agent DID Report This report breaks down agent call handling activity for a DID or a group of DIDs over a given time interval. The results will show the number of calls handled for each agent per day and per week, with column breakdowns for each DID using the DID name for the column header.
email_log_report Email Log Report This report gives a detailed log report of any emails handled by the dialer, including links to the full text of received emails. It will display the date the email was received, the address and name of the sender, a bit of the beginning of the emails text (with a link to the full text), and the status that the agent dispositioned the email as.
inbound_daily_report Inbound Daily Report This report will give a daily or hourly, weekly, monthly, and quarterly count on all calls received by the in-groups selected for the given date range.
TOTAL CALLS OFFERED = Total calls taken by the in-group.
TOTAL CALLS ANSWERED = Total calls answered by the in-group.
TOTAL AGENTS ANSWERED = Total number of distinct agents who fielded calls to this in-group.
TOTAL CALLS ABANDONED = Total calls ended in queue (dropped).
AVG ABANDON TIME = Average amount of time a caller waited in queue before abandoning the call.
AVG ANSWER SPEED = Average amount of time a caller waited in queue before an agent answered.
AVG TALK TIME = Average amount of time an agent remained on the line with the caller before the call was hung up - does not include caller queue time.
TOTAL TALK TIME = Total amount of time agents remained on the line with callers before calls ended - does not include caller queue time.
TOTAL WRAP TIME = Total amount of time agents used to -wrap- the call - assumed to be 15 second per answered call.
TOTAL CALL TIME = Total talk time plus total wrap time.
IVRstats Inbound IVR Report This report shows a breakdown of IVR paths followed by callers on selected IVRs based on the date range.
IVR CALLS = Total calls taken by or made through the selected IVRs that follow the -CALL PATH-.
QUEUE CALLS = Total inbound calls taken by the selected IVRs that follow the -CALL PATH-.
QUEUE DROP CALLS = Total inbound calls taken by the selected IVRs that follow the -CALL PATH- that were dropped.
QUEUE DROP PERCENT = Percentage of dropped inbound calls taken by the selected IVRs (QUEUE DROP CALLS / QUEUE CALLS).
IVR AVG TIME = Average amount of time spent in-call, taken by dividing IVR CALLS by the total time spent in the selected IVRs.
TOTAL AVG TIME = Total call time spent in the selected IVRs.
CALL PATH = The specific call path followed on the IVR - report will display each distinct path followed by all the selected IVRs for the selected date range.
CMstats Callmenu Survey Report This report shows one of two report types. The first displays all responses to callmenu prompts on calls handled by a given agent, within a list of selected campaigns, for a given time frame. Each call is displayed in chronological order, and for each call, the prompts and responses given are displayed. Each prompt response is treated as its numerical value to create a point total for the call, and total points per prompt and call are given at the bottom of the report. The second report is a multiple agent report, which utilizes the dates given and campaigns selected (the value in the agent field is ignored). The resulting report gives a summary per agent of the prompts met and total value of the responses given. The results for this report are sorted in descending order based on the total points the agent accrued.
PHONE = The customer's phone number on the call.
START TIME = The call time from the live_inbound_log table.
TOTAL POINTS = The sum of the numeric values given for all callmenu survey prompts reached on the call.
AGENT = The name of the agent.
TOTAL POINTS = The sum of the numeric values given for all callmenu survey prompts for calls the agent handled within the report parameters.
LISTS_campaign_stats Lists Campaign Statuses Report LIST ID SUMMARY = Shows each list in the campaign(s) selected by the user, the count of leads in each list, and whether the list is active or inactive.
STATUS FLAGS SUMMARY = Shows a breakdown of the status flags for all the selected lists in all the selected campaigns combined. Status flags are set in the -Statuses- section of a campaign or the -System Statuses-.
CUSTOM STATUS CATEGORY STATS = Shows a breakdown of the custom status categories for all the selected lists in all the selected campaigns combined. Categories can be defined under the -System Statuses- in the admin section.
PER LIST DETAIL STATS = Shows each list in the campaign(s) selected by the user, with a breakdown of each status flag (and percentage of each flag) and status within that list.
LISTS_pass_report Lists Pass Report This is a list inventory report, not a calling report. This report will show statistics for all of the lists in the selected campaigns
FIRST LOAD DATE = Date list first had leads loaded.
LIST ID and NAME = List ID number and name of list.
CAMPAIGN = Campaign that the list currently belongs to.
LEAD COUNT = Number of leads in the list.
ACTIVE = Whether or not the lead was active.
CONTACTS 1st-5th,LIFE PASS = Leads that were -human answered- (dispoed a status where HUMAN ANSWER is set to -Y- on the statuses section) on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
CNT RATE 1st-5th PASS = Percentage of leads on the list that were -human answered- on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
SALE 1st-5th,LIFE PASS = Leads that were sold to (dispoed a status where SALE is set to -Y- on the statuses section) on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
CNV RATE 1st-5th PASS = Percentage of leads on the list that were sold to on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
DNC 1st-5th,LIFE PASS = Leads that were dispositioned -do not call- (dispoed a status where DNC is set to -Y- on the statuses section) on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
DNC RATE 1st-5th,LIFE PASS = Percentage of leads on the list that were -do not call- on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
CUST CONTACT 1st-5th,LIFE PASS = Leads that were -customer contacted- (dispoed a status where CUSTOMER CONTACT is set to -Y- on the statuses section) on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
CUCT RATE 1st-5th,LIFE PASS = Percentage of leads on the list that were -customer contacted- on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
UNWORKABL 1st-5th,LIFE PASS = Leads that were -unworkable- (dispoed a status where UNWORKABLE is set to -Y- on the statuses section) on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
UNWK RATE 1st-5th,LIFE PASS = Percentage of leads on the list that were -unworkable- on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
SCHEDL CB 1st-5th,LIFE PASS = Leads that were -scheduled callbacks- (dispoed a status where SCHEDULED CALLBACK is set to -Y- on the statuses section) on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
SHCB RATE 1st-5th,LIFE PASS = Percentage of leads on the list that were -scheduled callbacks- on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
COMPLETED 1st-5th,LIFE PASS = Leads that were -completed- (dispoed a status where COMPLETED is set to -Y- on the statuses section) on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
COMP RATE 1st-5th,LIFE PASS = Percentage of leads on the list that were -completed- on or after the first-fifth call attempt, or LIFE if contacted as such at any point ever.
LISTS_stats Lists Statuses Report This report gives a detailed breakdown of the contents of a list or lists.
TOTAL LIST ID SUMMARY = Shows each list selected by the user, the count of leads in the list, and whether the list is active or inactive.
TOTAL STATUS FLAGS SUMMARY = Shows a breakdown of the status flags for all the selected lists combined. Status flags are set in the -Statuses- section of a campaign or the -System Statuses-.
LIST ID SUMMARY = Each list selected in the report will be listed separately after the TOTALS summaries. The list summary gives specific information about each particular list.
STATUS BREAKDOWN = A breakdown of each status in the individual list, along with the status description, number of leads, and percentage relative to the total leads in the list.
OUTBOUNDsummary_interval Outbound Summary Interval Report This report gives statistical information on selected campaigns, both as a summary of all selected campaigns and also by a selected interval for each individual campaign on outbound calling activity based on a date range and call time.
CAMPAIGN = The campaign being reported on.
TOTAL CALLS = The number of calls taken either by a campaign or during a time interval during a campaign, depending on the report.
SYSTEM RELEASE CALLS = The number of calls terminated by the dialer per campaign or during a time interval for a campaign, depending on the report.
AGENT RELEASE CALLS = The number of calls terminated by the agent per campaign or during a time interval for a campaign, depending on the report.
SALE CALLS = Total number of calls the user handled where the SALE status flag is set to Y, made either on a campaign or during a time interval during a campaign, depending on the report.
DNC CALLS = The number of DNC made either on a campaign or during a time interval during a campaign, depending on the report.
NO ANSWER PERCENT = The percentage of calls dispositioned as no answer against the TOTAL CALLS.
DROP PERCENT = The percentage of calls dispositioned as DROPs against the TOTAL CALLS.
AGENT LOGIN TIME (H:M:S) = The total pause, wait, talk, and dispo times logged by agents for the campaign/interval.
AGENT PAUSE TIME (H:M:S) = The total pause time logged by agents for the campaign/interval.
INTERVAL = The interval (in -HHii- format) being reported on under the campaign.
VDADstats Outbound Calling Report This report gives several reports on outbound calling for campaigns and lists for a specified date range
HANGUP REASON = The reason the call terminated.
CALLS = The number of calls terminated from the aforementioned reason.
STATUS = The call disposition.
DESCRIPTION = The description of the status.
CATEGORY = The category of the status.
CALLS = The number of calls resulting the disposition.
CALL TIME - TOTAL TIME = The total time spent on calls resulting in the disposition.
CALL TIME - AVG TIME = The average amount of time spent on calls resulting in the disposition.
CALL TIME - CALLS/HOUR = The number of calls per hour where the call resulted in the disposition - this is relative to the total time of all dispositions, not just this one.
AGENT TIME - CALLS/HOUR = The number of calls per agent hour where the call resulted in the disposition, relative to the total time agents spent in call for all dispositions.
LIST = The list ID number - all lists meeting the selected criteria are displayed here.
CALLS = The number of outbound calls placed from the aforementioned list.
PRESET NAME = The preset name logged in the user_call_log table (where applicable) for the outbound calls meeting the selected criteria.
CALLS = The number of calls logged with the aforementioned preset.
CATEGORY = The category the custom status is currently assigned to.
CALLS = The number of calls logged with the aforementioned category.
DESCRIPTION = The description of the category.
AGENT = The user ID and agent involved on outbound calls meeting the selected criteria.
CALLS = The number of outbound calls handled by the aforementioned agent.
TIME H:M:S = The total amount of time the agent spent on the outbound calls.
AVERAGE = The average amount of time the agent spent on the outbound calls.
called_counts_multilist_report Called Counts List IDs Report This report will show a called count breakdown by status for a list or group of lists, optionally within a given date range. Lists may also be selected by campaign.
fcstats Fronter - Closer Report This report displays fronter and closer information on an in-group for the selected date - useful in local closer campaigns so you can see the activity on internal transfers.
AGENT = The agent making the transfer (fronter).
XFERS = The number of transfers the agent made.
SALE % = Percentage of transfers the agent made that resulted in a sale.
SALE = Number of sales (statuses where sale status flag is set to Y in the -Statuses- section) made on the agents transfers.
DROP = Number of transfers that were dropped (did not make it to a live closer).
OTHER = Number of transfers that were not dropped, but also not sold by the closer.
AGENT = The agent receiving the transfer (closer).
CALLS = Total calls answered by the closer.
SALE = Number of sales (statuses where sale status flag is set to Y in the -Statuses- section) made on the transfers the closer fielded.
DROP = Number of calls the closer received that were dispoed as dropped.
OTHER = Calls the closer fielded that did not result in sales.
CONV % = Percentage of transfers the closer received that resulted in sales.
inbound_forecasting Inbound forecasting This report uses Erlang B formulas to generate call center stats based on inbound call activity for selected campaigns and/or ingroups across a specified date range. From these statistics and also by entering a desired drop call rate, this report can be used to calculate a recommend number of agents to have on the phones to reach the desired drop rate entered.
CALLING HOUR = The hour interval being reported on.
CALLS = Number of calls showing activity in this hour interval. Unlike other reports, this includes calls that start in the preceding hour, if the length of the call causes the call to end in the current hour. Example: an inbound call to the system begins at 9:59am and lasts for three minutes, ending at 10:02am. This call will be counted in both intervals.
TOTAL TIME = The total amount of time calls were active within this call interval. This includes time in queue waiting for an agent, and as stated for the CALLS section above, calls starting in one hour and ending in the other will have the time spent in each interval counted in both. In the above example, 1 minute will be attributed to the 9am hour and 2 minutes to the 10am hour.
AVERAGE TIME = The average call length for the interval, taken by dividing the total time of call activity within this interval divided by the number of calls active within this interval.
DROPPED HOURS = The total amount of time taken by calls that were dropped with time active within this call interval.
BLOCKING = The drop rate, expressed as a decimal in TEXT or a percent in graph form, of an hourly interval. This is taken by dividing the number dropped calls active in the hour by the number of calls active in the hour.
ERLANGS = Number of Erlangs for the hour. Erlangs are calculated by taking the number of calls received in an interval, multiplied by the average duration of a call expressed as a decimal value relative to the interval. For example, if 100 calls came in during an hour, and the average call length is 6 minutes, the Erlang value is 100 calls/hour * .1 hour (6 minutes is 1/10th of an hour), or 10.
GOS = 'Grade of Service'. This is the probability that a call is dropped, which is given by the equation
GoS = (EM/M!)/(∑Mn=0 En/n!)
where -GoS- is the desired drop rate, -E- is the Erlang value, and -M- is the number of lines/agents needed
REC AGENTS = The recommended number of agents needed to meet the desired drop rate or the desired queue probability. For the Erlang B report it uses the formula
GoS = (EM/M!)/(∑Mn=0 En/n!)
where -GoS- is the desired drop rate, -E- is the Erlang value, and -M- is the number of lines/agents needed. For the Erlang C report, the equation used is:
Pqueued = (EM/M!)/[EM/M! + (1 - E/M)∑M-1n=0 En/n!]
where Pqueued is the queue probability, -E- is the Erlang value, and -M- is the number of lines/agents needed
EST AGENTS = The estimated number of agents based on the current drop rate and Erlangs, as entered by the user, for the hours being reported on. This is reached by using the Erlang B formula, which is
GoS = (EM/M!)/(∑Mn=0 En/n!)
where -GoS- is the current drop rate, -E- is the Erlang value, and -M- is the number of lines/agents
CALLS/AGENT = The average number of calls each agent received for the time interval, gotten by dividing the number of calls by the number of agents (estimated, if an -actual agent- value is not given)
erlang_report Erlang report This report uses Erlang B and C formulas to generate call center stats based on call activity for selected campaigns and/or ingroups across a specified date range. From these statistics and also by entering a desired drop call rate, this report can be used to calculate a recommend number of agents to have on the phones to reach the desired drop rate entered, and depending on whether the report type being run is -B- or -C-, it will display statistics pertaining to call loss (drop) probability, or wait time probability.
This is an entirely optional set of data that can be entered to calculate the monetary performance of campaigns/call centers.
Actual agents = If you know the actual number of agents and wish to use this in the report caluclations, enter a non-zero value here. If you leave this blank the report will use the number of agents it estimates is in the dialer to make its reports.
Hourly pay per agent = Hourly wages an average employee makes.
Revenue per sale = How much money each sale made in the selected campaigns/ingroups is worth.
Chance of sale = The estimated percentage of calls that result in a sale (the actual percentage is provided after the report is run).
Retry rate = The percentage of callers that attempt to retry after their call is dropped.
CALLING HOUR = The hour interval being reported on.
CALLS = Number of calls showing activity in this hour interval. Unlike other reports, this includes calls that start in the preceding hour, if the length of the call causes the call to end in the current hour. Example: an inbound call to the system begins at 9:59am and lasts for three minutes, ending at 10:02am. This call will be counted in both intervals.
TOTAL TIME = The total amount of time calls were active within this call interval. This includes time in queue waiting for an agent, and as stated for the CALLS section above, calls starting in one hour and ending in the other will have the time spent in each interval counted in both. In the above example, 1 minute will be attributed to the 9am hour and 2 minutes to the 10am hour.
AVERAGE TIME = The average call length for the interval, taken by dividing the total time of call activity within this interval divided by the number of calls active within this interval.
DROPPED HOURS = The total amount of time taken by calls that were dropped with time active within this call interval.
BLOCKING = The drop rate, expressed as a decimal in TEXT or a percent in graph form, of an hourly interval. This is taken by dividing the number dropped calls active in the hour by the number of calls active in the hour.
ERLANGS = Number of Erlangs for the hour. Erlangs are calculated by taking the number of calls received in an interval, multiplied by the average duration of a call expressed as a decimal value relative to the interval. For example, if 100 calls came in during an hour, and the average call length is 6 minutes, the Erlang value is 100 calls/hour * .1 hour (6 minutes is 1/10th of an hour), or 10.
GOS = 'Grade of Service'. A -B- report value - this is the probability that a call is dropped, which is given by the equation
GoS = (EM/M!)/(∑Mn=0 En/n!)
where -GoS- is the desired drop rate, -E- is the Erlang value, and -M- is the number of lines/agents needed
QUEUE PROB = A -C- report value - the probability that a call is queued, which is given by the equation
Pqueued = (EM/M!)/[EM/M! + (1 - E/M)∑M-1n=0 En/n!]
where Pqueued is the queue probability, -E- is the Erlang value, and -M- is the number of lines/agents needed
AVERAGE ANSWER = A -C- report value - the average speed of answer, or average call waiting time. This is given by the equation
ASA = (T*Pqueued)/(M-E)
-ASA- is the average speed of answer, -T- is the average duration of the call, Pqueued is the queue probability, -E- is the Erlang value, and -M- is the number of lines/agents needed. Both this and the Pqueued formulas above are only valid if -M- is greater than -E-, that is, the number of trunks in a system is greater than the number of Erlangs.
REC AGENTS = The recommended number of agents needed to meet either the desired drop rate or the desired queue probability. These values are entered by the user and depending on whether the report being run is type -B- or type -C- the report will base their estimate on one of those values. For the Erlang B report it uses the formula
GoS = (EM/M!)/(∑Mn=0 En/n!)
where -GoS- is the desired drop rate, -E- is the Erlang value, and -M- is the number of lines/agents needed. For the Erlang C report, the equation used is:
Pqueued = (EM/M!)/[EM/M! + (1 - E/M)∑M-1n=0 En/n!]
where Pqueued is the queue probability, -E- is the Erlang value, and -M- is the number of lines/agents needed
EST AGENTS = The estimated number of agents based on the current drop rate and Erlangs, as entered by the user, for the hours being reported on. This is reached by using the Erlang B formula, for both the B and C report. Since Vicidial does not log what calls were queued in outbound dialing, the -C- report instead uses the drop rate of outbound calls to estimate agents. The formula is
GoS = (EM/M!)/(∑Mn=0 En/n!)
where -GoS- is the current drop rate, -E- is the Erlang value, and -M- is the number of lines/agents
CALLS/AGENT = The average number of calls each agent received for the time interval, gotten by dividing the number of calls by the number of agents (estimated, if an -actual agent- value is not given)
REV/CALL = Average revenue per call, taken by multiplying the revenue per sale by the number of sales, then dividing by the number of calls
REV/AGENT = Average revenue generated per agent, based on the total revenue (sales * revenue per sale) divided by the number of agents (estimated, if an -actual agent- value is not given)
TOTAL REV = Total revenue, gotten by multiplying the number of sales by the revenue per sale
TOTAL COST = Total cost, gotten by multiplying the agent rate by the number of agents (estimated, if an -actual agent- value is not given)
MARGIN = The difference between the total revenue and the total cost
rt_monitor_log_report Real-time monitoring log report This report enables level 9 users, users with Admin Utilities privileges, to search the logs of Vicidial managers who utilized the monitoring capabilities of the real-time report. Searches can be done for date ranges, campaigns, managers, and agents being monitored, and the results can be sorted by any of the following data returned by the report.
START TIME = The time the manager started monitoring an agent
MANAGER = The manager who initiated the monitoring session
MANAGER SERVER = The IP address of the server the manager was monitoring from
MANAGER PHONE = The phone login the manager used to monitor the agent
MANAGER IP = The IP address of the computer the manager was monitoring from
AGENT MONITORED = The agent ID and name of the agent being monitored
AGENT SERVER = The IP address of the server the agent phone was operating from
AGENT STATUS = The dialer status of the agent at the time the monitoring session was initiated
AGENT SESSION = The session ID of the agent at the time the monitoring session was initiated
LEAD ID = The lead ID the agent was speaking to at the time the monitoring session was initiated. If the agent was not in a call at the time the manager started monitoring them, this value will be -0-
CAMPAIGN = The campaign ID the agent being monitored was placing calls from at the time they started being monitored
END TIME = The time the manager stopped monitoring the agent, ending the monitoring session
LENGTH = The total length in seconds of the monitoring session
TYPE = The type of monitoring session that the manager was running
rt_whiteboard_report Real-Time Whiteboard report This report allows the user to display reports in a large graph form with associated statistics printed with the report, and the report will be refreshed at a set interval. This is useful for overhead projections where the user needs to display a set of data in a comprehensive, easy-to-read format. Also, when the user selects a report to display, any report option relevant to that report will be highlighted in red: campaigns, status flags, etc....
rt_whiteboard_report-report_type Report Type The type of report to display.- Disposition Totals - A breakdown of disposition totals of calls made.